The Abnormality in Thyself

I've been in erratic shifts since January and I must say it's messing my body clock completely! Totally messed up! Okay, let me explain it to you. We have four shifts in the our department and each shift goes on for two weeks. Like I'll be in 8 am-5pm shift for two weeks then next shift will be 3pm-11pm shift. See, what I mean? Not complaining though because it is work. And I love what I do, but the monster in me unleashes when I'm doing the morning shift. You see I'm not really a morning person. So for me, morning shift is a curse. Hahaha! Listed below is advantage and disadvantages I've observed during morning shift.


  • I get to eat breakfast! I rarely eat breakfast, usually I eat breakfast and lunch at the same time (brunch) because I wake up around 11 am when I'm not going to work. 
  • I can finish a lot of books. It's because morning shift have a lot of idle time.
  • I always have time to see my cousins (my two cousins stays with me) awake! When I'm doing the night shift I go home and they're still sleeping and I leave the house upon they're arrival from school. No time for a real chat, really. Sometimes we only see each other on weekends.
  • I also have time to eat with them. Often times, it's dinner! And once a week breakfast though.
  • I have time to have dinner with friends and visit malls!

  • The morning rush is horrible!!! (notice the three exclamation marks I use) People are always in a hurry in the morning. And I have to wake up at 5 in the morning just to avoid the morning rush.
  • Spend a looooot of time in the office. I arrives at the office around 7:30 and have to leave 7 pm just to avoid the traffic. But it's still traffic, so when I get home I'm dead tired and drained.
  • It's freezing! Because most departments in our company works in the morning all air conditioning are working at this time. It means not only the general air conditioning but the air conditioning in all the dubbing rooms. We have to resort in bring blankets just to easy the cold.
  • I exceeds in my daily allowance. It's because I'm always hungry! Haha
  • I have to wear presentable clothes. Haha. Though we are work for multi-media company there's still dress code. So I can't wear distressed jeans at the morning shift and revealing clothes. (as if I have something to flaunt. LOL) And oh, we have to wear ID at all times. So I'm kagalang-galang (respectable) during morning shift.
  • I don't have enough time to dress up. (Vanity problems. HAHA)
  • I can't write! Because I have to sleep early so I can wake up early. (This is the saddest of all the disadvantages I can think of.)
See, I listed so many disadvantages which shows I favor night shift! 

Of Notebooks and Recycled Materials

For this year I've changed my notebook thrice. I don't know if it's just me or others experienced this, but I have to find the suitable notebook for me. And until then I can write into it diligently. Or not? Haha. I have to find that "one" perfect notebook because it really serves a lot of purpose to me. You see, I only not write in it but I post and glued a lot of stuff there. Hence, this year I finally found the "one." I just a bit personality to it.

Notice the eyes I put there? Hahaha

And for some DIY storage kit. I actually need one of my growing rolls of ribbons, so I decided to craft one. An old shoe box turned to ribbon box.

I glued some pieces of origami paper because I find it boring if I just wrapped it to one.
Somewhat similar to decoupage. :)

Super proud now because I blogged often now. :) Yay!! 

Baguio 2015 (DAY 3)

How can a wonderful trip could end so soon? Don't pull me, Reality. :/


Strawberry Farm
SM Baguio

Thank you so, so much, Len! :) Happy birthday again! Hugs and kisses from this paper hoarder. :*

Baguio 2015 (DAY 2)

My best friend's parents are a huge fan of Forevermore, so basically that was the main goal for our second day.


Sitio La Presa
BenCab Museum
Burnham Park
Wright Park
The Mansion
Mines View Park

Baguio 2015 (DAY 1)

My best friend celebrated her 29th birthday and as a treat for the whole family she planned for a Baguio trip. And yes, her family adopted me for this trip. This is not my first time in Baguio but still I enjoyed it like it was my first time.


Lion's Head
Pink Church
Station of the Cross
Tam-Awan Village
Good Taste Restaurant

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