Wedding Bells

I am so blessed to witness how God weave my friends' love story. Last year my best friend married the man of her dreams. She married her college sweetheart. And last June my elementary best friend married her long-time boyfriend. And now my former office mate/office buddy/partner in crime/ and a dear friend will soon walk down the aisle. *and I think I just said this line more than a year ago. haha!*

She asked my help to scout for prospective wedding dress. So last Sunday we braved Divisoria to look for one. We both enjoyed ourselves talking to different wedding suppliers and siyempre trying on different wedding gowns. Ay, siya lang pala ang nagtry.

But there was this one gown that really caught my attention! Here!!!

It was not that grand nor there was nothing so special in the way it was presented yet I fell in love with it. It has this traditional feel. Nagulat ako kasi iba ang nasa isip kong wedding gown ko when I get married yet I can't help but to keep on looking at this gown. I even took photo of it in different angles. Ha-ha! 

See, I told you, nothing really special but.... but... gaaahh! Okay, never mind my senseless mumbling! Will post soon about my friend's wedding! :) 



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