SG's First Lesson To NG

It's been almost a week now since I landed here. Homesickness still struck in the middle of the day out of nowhere, I just keep myself busy to ward off the feeling. Being away from home taught me so many things, and I decided to blog them one by one.

Singapore's First Lesson to Nicka Gracia:  GO TO THE MARKET/ DO YOUR OWN GROCERY

Way back in the Philippines I always rely on Mama Elsa, my aunt who is also a mother to us, whenever I am in the market. I practically knew nothing about "tawad", I am always confused on what to buy and I always ended up missing something from the grocery list if I did the chore by myself. So last Sunday, Ate handed me 50 SGD and told me to buy something in ShengSiong, more like a supermarket here, and when I asked here what to buy she just replied, "Bahala ka na." And I'm like... Ahm, uhm... HAHAHAHA!

So SG's first lesson: Ang mamalengke! In all fairness, it was a success. My cousin and I were able to budget our money. Yay!!! 

Ribbon Ala Bookmark

Ah, I told you I really should rename this blog! Haha! Last Monday I declared it to be a writing break. So I divert my attention to crafts! I finally opened again my craft box and got acquainted again with my scissors. And for a quick crafting session I made this bookmark from the last Christmas' gifts bookbinder. :)


Any scrap colored cardboard or folder
cutter and scissors

Hoarder's preparation ^_^

I cut almost 6 centimeters of used colored board.

Then cut a straight line in the lower end so I can insert a desired length of ribbon.

Secure the ribbon at the back of the board. Design your ribbon! <3

Lookie! <3

Trying to Capture The Moment

I love photography. I love to travel. I love meeting new people. I love appreciating God's creation. And withe all these things that I love I tried to capture it and preserve the memory.

Meet Miss Gypsy Esguerra

At Sky Ranch Tagaytay with Boss

At People's Park with Boss

Button Bookmarks!

Hey, it's been a long time since I last posted a DIY craft! Maybe I should rename my blog, I could change it to a DIY Bookmark nook since most of my DIY craft are bookmarks. LOL

Without much further ado, let's start crafting

What you will need:

Paper clips (bigger clip is much better)

buttons from Scrapbooking, ordinary buttons will work just the same

Paper clips. I hoard almost anything and it includes these clips.

You just glue-gunned the buttons in the top portion of the paper clips and voila, you have an instant bookmark!

Finish product!

trying my new found love. haha

Happy crafting! <3 <3 <3

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