Once Upon A Time In A Beautiful Island

Once I visited an unknown and very beautiful island. It was popular, I heard about it a million times yet once I arrived it captivated my heart. Words ran out to describe its beauty. It was surreal. Its water was inviting and before I knew it, I found myself diving into it. Then it dawn on me, I couldn't swim. So there I was, mesmerized by the island's beauty, dived into its waters without hesitation, and now drowning. "I might die today but heck I will die in the arms of beauty," I thought. I was in the middle of this thought when someone grabbed me. Someone took me out of the water and swam me back safely to the shore. Someone saved me and asked me to admire the island's beauty first. Savored every sensation it has to offer. And so I did. Afterwards, he taught me how to swim, he taught me how to enjoy the island's water. He taught me to understand its mood. Then, encouraged me to swam further. Encouraged me to explore more. I swam and swam. I was pretty confident now that I wouldn't drown, or if I did, someone was there to save me. I swam further and further until I noticed that he was now ashore. He was just there standing, looking at me looking tired. I tried to swam towards him, but when I reached the shore, he was gone. I stared back at the ocean, its beauty stared back at me. But this time, the feeling was different. Something strange happened. Now I noticed the danger of coming to the island. The danger that though I was equipped with the knowledge of it and have learned how to swim, I now fear testing the waters again. Because now I know that the water is too deep and I've lost the confidence to swim into it again.


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