All Challenge Accepted!

I'm positive that this year God has greater things in store for me, for us! And every year my friends put up different challenges, like loosing weight (siyempre I'm not included. hehe), reading challenge, which I always enthusiastically joined, and other stuff. But this year, I accepted two different challenges all of which, I believe, will help me save money. Note, I always include to save money in my prayers or faith goals every year. Na hindi ko yata na-achieve ever. LOL

First Challenge! 


photo credits to my good friend Gypsy Esguerra 

Okay, so let me explain why this challenge happened. I love books! I spent most of my monthly salary on buying books. And if you happen to visit our home you can see books lying almost everywhere inside our house. I buy a lot of books but never really read them as soon as I bought them. So to lessen our expenses we thought of this, the NO BUYING OF BOOKS CHALLENGE. Hmm, let's see if who will win, hah! ^_^

The Second Challenge! 

photo credits to Kuripot Pinay

This challenge was viral in Facebook. My sister immediately call my attention to this and coax me to do likewise. Ah, the ever kuripot sister that she is. Haha! So after reading kuripotpinay's blog I said to myself, "Okay, why not?" And you're asking my motivation about this, eh? Hmm, I wanted to buy my own car soon!!!! As in pretty soon! ^_^

Ah, by God's grace I think I can do these two! :)


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