'Tis The Season To Be Jolly

I'm playing Deck The Hall in my mind while blogging about this. :) This is not bragging about the stuffs I've received. I just want to allot a space in my blog to show how thankful I am to those people who puts an effort to give me wonderful stuffs. Words are not enough to show how thankful I am. Indeed God blessed me through these people.

Thank you so, so much from the bottom of my heart!

Thank you, Merife and my officemate who gave me this blanket.

blanket, passport jacket and a cute pen!
Thank you Gypsy Esguerra, Meril Saylon and unknown reader who gave me the planner, sticky note and the bookmark! Sorry memory gap. :( I forgot to ask for your names. 

I'm a spoiled friend and officemate. Haha! Thank you Gypsy Esguerra!

coin bank!

Thank you Maricar Dizon! We'll read Fangirl soon.

To give! :)

Thank you, Merife! Sinabi na ngang spoiled. haha!

cutie notebook!

"Every good gift and every perfect give is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning." ~James 1:17


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