SG's Third Lesson To NG

In everything you do, be patient.

I am sometimes a very impatient person. So when I learned that I would be left with my niece 24 hours, in my head I heard a warning sound. I do love my niece and I love children. Who wouldn't love them I guess? Their little smile and sweet hug are the sweetest thing in the world. But children do not smile all day, they cry, they have tantrums. Being with my niece taught me how to be patient. She taught me how to care more, how to extend my understanding a little further beyond words can compare.

I can now say that I can handle her as easy as one, two, three. I can bathe her without drama and now it's lesser please. She enjoys the water. I can change her diaper while singing ABC's and love songs. I can feed her and bring her to sleep now. Stepping out into my comfort zone taught me a lot, I think. So 'til the next lesson. :)

Meet my adorable niece. ^_^


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