One Fine Sunday...

...Ate brought me to heaven. LOL. Well, not literally heaven per se but the feeling I felt at that time. Last Sunday while scouting for some stuff for my niece's birthday we stopped by to this quaint shop.

The Paper Market

Imagine me smiling from ear to ear as I entered the shop. Happiness is under statement I think. If you read my previous post, this blog is originally for my misadventure and paper craft pero hindi ko lang napanindigan. Haha! Paper Market really is really for those who have insatiable creative appetites. They almost have everything a crafter can wish for. 


Ah, look at those papers! Adorable... 

I also love those paper gadgets. Feel na feel ko ang pagiging Martha Stewart. hehe. 

But lo and behold... 

I really took photo of this. But as I roamed around the shop I read that taking photos was strictly prohibited. Please forgive me, Paper Market. I am just excited and so happy! ^_^ 


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