The Hoarder is Happy!

Okay, no craft-thingy this time, just loads of papers, books and cute things. LOL. This hoarder is still acting busy these past few days. Just want to share this awesome purchase I made last week. :)

I love cards and I do love making one. So this book is about making cards in a matter of minutes. And the materials needed is so affordable. I purchased this from Booksale. yay!

Another adorable book. This one is about making crafts that you can possibly imagine. And this make me wanna buy my own portable sewing machine. haha

Aside from paper I'm also a hoarder of sticky-notes and post-its. So when I stumble to this cute one I can't help myself to grab them. Besides, look at them, they looked like they were begging you to pick them. By the way, back-story again, when I saw this and showed it to my officemates whose with me that day, we all had a good laugh when we read the caption. And I guess it's because of the caption! Why, oh, why? *laughs again* haha (okay, I'm just plain crazy)

They're really cute! ♥

And again. ♥

This one is from MiniClipper. Now that I have my own Polaroid, I want to use this cute wooden clip to hang pictures from my cam. Maybe sooooonnn! ^__^

Happy me!

On my multiply account I mentioned that lately I'm hooked with origami. *obviously that I again purchase pattern paper.*

Oh and I bought this from Daiso. :)

See, this hoarder is just plain happy!

Little Women

Nope, this is not about Luisa May Alcott's Little Women. I just wanted to label it such because of this cute little girls. I only remember Jo of Little Women while writing this. LOL. This is something you can do with vials and scrap colored papers or even colored magazines. :) And because this month is also for women, I am dedicating this post to all the women out there. :) Women plays a big role in our society from excruciating pain of giving birth, loving their children unconditionally, loving wife and being successful in their chosen career. These different colors represent their individuality! :) Yay! for all the women out there!


I love this cute little women! Yay!

Obviously I love them that I posted two photos. haha

Putting those cute little girls inside the vials.

I use thread (the one you use for sewing dresses) as this vial's ribbon.

Though this is not related to the book let me share a little quote from Little Women. :)

"The best of us have a spice of perversity in us, especially when we are young and in love."
Louisa May Alcott, Little Women, Ch. 23

Pagsanjan 2012

We are plotting places to travel this year because travelling serves as bonding moment for Dave and I. We both have our day-jobs and rakets (sideline jobs) between our jobs and sometimes it is impossible for us to see each other twice a week or even once a week. And if we're unlucky enough we'll see each other once in two weeks. *and believe me it did happen when he's really busy.haha ^^v* And so when he asked me to went with him at Pagsanjan, I grabbed the opportunity. HAHAHAHAHA (the opportunity knocks only once :P) Travelling with him is so hassle free for me, he is always equipped with research and direction. So the lazy me just tag along. LOL.

We met at Buendia around 8am, intially we plan to leave at 7am, but he's late! (He woke up late and texted me when I was about to leave the house! hahaha which by the way seldom happens. On most of our trips and dates I am always late. Sorry) Bound by Greenstar signed Sta. Cruz we arrived there at I think 11 am. Then another jeepney ride to Pagsanjan. We stopped at 7-11 to eat and bought garbage bag. *and later you'll be surprise to where will use the bag. haha* The police station is near the store so if you're not sure about directions and afraid of those boatmen outside you can go there for some recommendations. And as for us we bravely asked those boatmen's rates from that trail to Pagsanjan Falls. The boat ride costs 1250 per person. We're a bit hesitant to agree with their price and keep insisting that we just read on the internet that the boat ride only costs 1000 pesos. Then they explain such and such which by the way I really don't recall. At the back of my mind I was thinking the date of the said entry. hehe. And because we're excited we agreed with the 1250-boat ride. They ushered us to where we will wait our boat and given life vests and headgears. And there they pointed out that the owner of that hotel *I don't know if I should call it hotel but there were rooms so hotel is it.* is no other than Afuang. He's the one who spilled water on Hayden Kho's head when he's on trial for Katrina-Hayden's scandal. We only waited for I think ten minutes for the boat to arrive, then our journey began! Oh, by the way, the boat only carries three person. Maximum na daw yun. It is really small because these boats have to pass through rapids and boatmen have to really push the boats in able for you to get to Pagsanjan Falls. And their jobs are not really easy, I swear. They didn't wear any slippers nor rubber-soled shoes and I think when they step on rocks in hurts their feet. :( The boatmen said that the ride is about two hours depending on how fast is your boatmen. Luckily our boatmen were fast enough that it only took us an hour and a half to reach the falls. And the misadventure of all starts here. hahaha. Yes, we're not ready to get wet! haha. We didn't bring extra clothes. I just only brought an extra shirt with me, for I thought it was only a boat ride. Silly me! To think that I am so excited that I AM GOING TO PAGSANJAN FALLS. I mean it is falls so why I didn't bring any spare clothes. Why? Why? Hahaha So lesson learned, next time I will bring extra clothes and sunblock, too. If you're going there this summer be sure to put on sunblock. Dave was not prepared (like I was) to get wet, but heck, the experience is not complete if we don't get the chance to ride that balsa and go under the falls. So we're both, "Bahala na" and then excitedly agreed to get wet. So for the entire trip going back to town proper we're soaking wet. Haha. And our trip just didn't end at Pagsanjan falls, even in our wet clothes we went to Liliw. *sorry naman po sa mga nakatabi namin* Liliw is haven for shoes lover, believe me! at a very reasonable price. :) This misadventurer bought a pair of flat sandals and keychain as a souvenier, Dave bought his own pair of alpombra for only 140 pesos. We also bought kesong puti and lambanog as pasalubong. And before we reach Manila our clothes were completely dry. hahaha.

Random photos

Upon reaching the falls. :)

Pagsanjan Falls

Misadventurer giving the thumbs-up sign for Pagsanjan Falls

The epic garbage bag we bought.
I didn't want our bags to get wet so we opted to buy this garbage bag. haha

key chain from Liliw :) Cute!

And this flats costs only two hundred pesos! yay!

I am now completely dry. *feeling namin sinampay kami.*

This was our first stop. At first I thought, "Eto na ba 'yung falls? Ang liit yata."
Hindi pa pala.

And I brought with me my Polaroid! :)

P.S. all photos were taken by no other than Mr.
Photographer himself, Dave. :) Thank you! ^^

"Though we travel the world over to find beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

First Project

I promised myself to be productive this year, and by being productive I mean it not only from my day-job or writing stuff but towards crafting paper and such. I am happy when I am doing cut-outs and mostly working on glue and paper. And last weekend I promised that I would finish all my "project" which I had in my mind. But it turned out that my weekend was loaded. (Not that I am busy, haha, believe I am not. I only wanted to believe that I am busy. haha). So I ended up doing this:

Ta-da!!! :)

We have a handful of this used little brown envelope at home. Mostly, it was from my sister before she left the country. She always handed it to me because she knew that I collected almost anything. haha. And yes, by anything bus tickets and game tickets are included. I glued game tickets and bus tickets on it. I also cut some colored paper to made this pencil. And for the pencil's label you can cut words you like it glue it in or better yet personally write it. (I have horrible handwriting so I opted to cut words from magazines. haha) Then I stenciled the word write at the lower part of the envelope, then colored it. I plan to design the remaining brown envelopes this weekend. *hopefully* haha.

"Writing is the best way to talk without being interrupted."
Jules Renard

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