First Project

I promised myself to be productive this year, and by being productive I mean it not only from my day-job or writing stuff but towards crafting paper and such. I am happy when I am doing cut-outs and mostly working on glue and paper. And last weekend I promised that I would finish all my "project" which I had in my mind. But it turned out that my weekend was loaded. (Not that I am busy, haha, believe I am not. I only wanted to believe that I am busy. haha). So I ended up doing this:

Ta-da!!! :)

We have a handful of this used little brown envelope at home. Mostly, it was from my sister before she left the country. She always handed it to me because she knew that I collected almost anything. haha. And yes, by anything bus tickets and game tickets are included. I glued game tickets and bus tickets on it. I also cut some colored paper to made this pencil. And for the pencil's label you can cut words you like it glue it in or better yet personally write it. (I have horrible handwriting so I opted to cut words from magazines. haha) Then I stenciled the word write at the lower part of the envelope, then colored it. I plan to design the remaining brown envelopes this weekend. *hopefully* haha.

"Writing is the best way to talk without being interrupted."
Jules Renard


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