The Hoarder is Happy!

Okay, no craft-thingy this time, just loads of papers, books and cute things. LOL. This hoarder is still acting busy these past few days. Just want to share this awesome purchase I made last week. :)

I love cards and I do love making one. So this book is about making cards in a matter of minutes. And the materials needed is so affordable. I purchased this from Booksale. yay!

Another adorable book. This one is about making crafts that you can possibly imagine. And this make me wanna buy my own portable sewing machine. haha

Aside from paper I'm also a hoarder of sticky-notes and post-its. So when I stumble to this cute one I can't help myself to grab them. Besides, look at them, they looked like they were begging you to pick them. By the way, back-story again, when I saw this and showed it to my officemates whose with me that day, we all had a good laugh when we read the caption. And I guess it's because of the caption! Why, oh, why? *laughs again* haha (okay, I'm just plain crazy)

They're really cute! ♥

And again. ♥

This one is from MiniClipper. Now that I have my own Polaroid, I want to use this cute wooden clip to hang pictures from my cam. Maybe sooooonnn! ^__^

Happy me!

On my multiply account I mentioned that lately I'm hooked with origami. *obviously that I again purchase pattern paper.*

Oh and I bought this from Daiso. :)

See, this hoarder is just plain happy!


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