'Tis The Season To Be Jolly

I'm playing Deck The Hall in my mind while blogging about this. :) This is not bragging about the stuffs I've received. I just want to allot a space in my blog to show how thankful I am to those people who puts an effort to give me wonderful stuffs. Words are not enough to show how thankful I am. Indeed God blessed me through these people.

Thank you so, so much from the bottom of my heart!

Thank you, Merife and my officemate who gave me this blanket.

blanket, passport jacket and a cute pen!
Thank you Gypsy Esguerra, Meril Saylon and unknown reader who gave me the planner, sticky note and the bookmark! Sorry memory gap. :( I forgot to ask for your names. 

I'm a spoiled friend and officemate. Haha! Thank you Gypsy Esguerra!

coin bank!

Thank you Maricar Dizon! We'll read Fangirl soon.

To give! :)

Thank you, Merife! Sinabi na ngang spoiled. haha!

cutie notebook!

"Every good gift and every perfect give is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning." ~James 1:17

All About Bookmarks!

Christmas is my favorite time of the year. I love Christmas weather because it is colder in this time of the year. Plus everyone is ready to greet you with a big smile. But is it not better to treat everyday as Christmas? :)

And oh, another thing about this season is that it hones my sleeping creativity. Or may be I'm just stingy. LOL. But I always wanted to add something personal to my gifts. I wanted to wrap it myself, to choose every gift according to personalities of my my friends and family.

And let me share what I've done for my officemates this year. And you can guess it right. I've made lots of bookmarks again! This has been becoming an obsession.

First set of bookmarks given to my fellow writers and dear readers last PHR booksigning in SM Manila.

I bought a set of popsicle and decided to turn it into a bookmark.

I think this is a popsicle sticks.

For my bookmark design, I prepared my colorful designed papers All About Scrapbooking gave me on one of its event. :) Thank you, All About Scrapbooking!

I chose variety of beautiful designs!

I glued the popsicle stick into the paper and cut it.

My finish product with love!

This paper hoarder having the time of her life cutting paper! <3

And tada! My first batch of bookmarks!

And for my second batch of bookmarks! These are for my officemates! 

Art Attack's colored sticks! Who would forget that big Art Attack, huh?

this is craft-love!

Add a little design on the top to achieve the funky look!

Buttons and large clips! 

Bookbinder! :) Will blog about this cutie binder soon. ^_^

And these are all bookmarks! :) 

"For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them." ~Ephesians 2:10

Feet On The Go!

As I browsed through my photos I noticed that I have several photos of my feet with someone. Hindi ko alam kung nagiging obsession na ito! Haha!

This was taken, uhm, sorry can't remember. LOL. With my friend/office mate, Melanie Esguerra. We wore the same sandals. Pero hindi kami nag-usap!

Heading to Quezon Ave. Then SM North, as always.

With Boss. After 6 years, we came back to Star City.

Star City 11-24-13

With Melai. We will never be that chic. Haha! Matching our dress and skirt with rubber shoes! Epic!

Inside Fully Booked! Comfort place! 

Attending my best friend's son's Christening.

Brown to brown! At St. Michael Church in Fort Bonifacio.

With Batman! LOL Diandrei's 7th Birthday!

Jolibee Tanza! 

Lastly, this misadventurer's feet bound to Singapore!

Bound to Singapore! Taken last March! <3

I'm 27 and It's Cool!

Just last weekend I celebrated Holiday with my folks in Batangas. And being the hands-on Tita that I am, I take my niece with me everywhere I go. Everybody adores her. And along with their admiration and happiness comes the dreading statement reminding me that I am not getting any younger: “Ikaw kailan ka mag-aasawa?” And I just laughed and shrugged.

Yesterday, I turned 27. And how do I feel being 27? Actually, I feel great. I feel cool. I feel blessed. And most especially I feel loved. Just as I woke up I smiled, prayed and thanked God of all the things He’s been given me. For so many times, I prayed for so many things. I always looked at my life thinking what’s been missing yet I never see what’s been there, and always been there.

This year, my birthday came without anything neither real fanfare nor grand preparation. I am blessed to be greeted by friends and few took tremendous effort to call me from different parts of the globe. And through that I am constantly reminded that distance is not a hindrance in friendship or the time you’re apart from each other. I am humbly reminded that through everything I will get through I will always have my family with me.

The Surprise.

Unlike my previous birthdays, this year, I wanted nothing but to stay at home. The only thing I asked was a birthday cake, just that simple. But as the day ended I received not only a cake but a wonderful surprise. It turned out that my sister planned to get me out of the house (I went with her to get my niece’s passport) in able to fulfill their surprise. They secretly ordered food, in which arrived in my presence without me noticing it. I believed my cousin when she told me that she was waiting for her classmate outside our gate. Ate secretly invited few relatives. She even connived with ‘Boss’ in letting me believe that he was in Batangas when in fact he’s inside our house. And why didn't I notice all these, huh? Maybe because I was not that little girl any more wanting those grand things. ^_^ Their love is enough to let me feel that it is indeed the most wonderful birthday I ever had. So thank you Ate for organizing a perfect surprise! Thank you, Boss, for giving me the most memorable message ever. Thank you, Mama, Mommy and Papa for giving me your utmost support, unconditional love and panlalaglag ever. The gang, Mama Jo, my cousins and relatives, thank you, thank you!

Ate, Our angel Miel and Moi

Birthday cake which I coaxed them to buy

With Ate Ceng and Miel

Boss, Papa, Kuya Edward, Ate Che, Ej and Ate Ceng

Laiza, Mama Elsa, Moi, Bianca and Miel

The repeat. :)

With Boss and Papa

The alter-ego. 

I always thank God for giving me the talent in writing, for giving me the opportunity to bring happiness to other people. Being Nicka Gracia opens a lot of opportunity for me. I met a lot of people, I made new friends, I create my own fortress. Words are not enough to express how thankful I am to all the greetings sent to me. I can never thank all of those who took time and effort to post something on my FB wall. I am so touched and overwhelmed by those greetings. I never thought that I will make it this far, I just wanted to write. Your greetings brought me in tears. But God always find His way to let us know that we are indeed a present to the world. From the bottom of my heart thank you po. 

Birthday Reflection.

photo from Google

My birthday was a day of reflection with both gifts and challenges. It made me think what I did in the past 26 years of my life. It made me count all those blessings and be thankful enough that with every day God gave me an opportunity to be a blessing to others. Yesterday was also the day to not only remember the many losses that are imprinted on my heart, but to celebrate my life. Future is unexpected, we may have so many detours to reach God’s main purpose, but we must be reminded that He ‘always’ prepares the best for us. Today may not be what we expected it to be but that’s okay. In order to grow we sometimes need to experience unfathomable things. Life will not always be the most wonderful fairy tale we want it to be, but it can be the most wonderful fairy tale God want it to be. Thank you, Lord, for giving another year! I love you, Lord!

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." ~Jeremiah 29:11, NLV

"And you show that you are a letter from Christ delivered by us, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts." 2 Corinthians 3:3

Wedding Bells

I am so blessed to witness how God weave my friends' love story. Last year my best friend married the man of her dreams. She married her college sweetheart. And last June my elementary best friend married her long-time boyfriend. And now my former office mate/office buddy/partner in crime/ and a dear friend will soon walk down the aisle. *and I think I just said this line more than a year ago. haha!*

She asked my help to scout for prospective wedding dress. So last Sunday we braved Divisoria to look for one. We both enjoyed ourselves talking to different wedding suppliers and siyempre trying on different wedding gowns. Ay, siya lang pala ang nagtry.

But there was this one gown that really caught my attention! Here!!!

It was not that grand nor there was nothing so special in the way it was presented yet I fell in love with it. It has this traditional feel. Nagulat ako kasi iba ang nasa isip kong wedding gown ko when I get married yet I can't help but to keep on looking at this gown. I even took photo of it in different angles. Ha-ha! 

See, I told you, nothing really special but.... but... gaaahh! Okay, never mind my senseless mumbling! Will post soon about my friend's wedding! :) 


After Hibernation

Miss me? LOL I miss myself, too! Really, I miss blogging. Been neglecting this site for almost three months now and I feel so guilty. Nonetheless, here’s a recap of what I did these past few months.

An angel was born. Meet my beautiful niece, Darmainne Miel A. Concubierta. Since she was born our world revolves around her now. She amazes us with her small antics. Sabi ko nga, kahit yata titigan ko lang siya maghapon kaya ko. So there, this hoarder is a proud Tita!

My beautiful niece, Darmainne Miel <3

I now have a lot of “to-read” books. And hunting for more books that I desperately wanted to have! So many book so little time. LOL I really should refrain from entering bookshops.

My laptop died on me.

After four years, ngayon lang siya namatay.

Good news, as of this moment my cousin told me that it was now fixed! Yay! Yay! She's been with me for four years now, and yes, I considered her a 'girl'. At hindi pa yata kakayanin ng kalooban ko if I have to give her up. Not now...

I discovered my art works, na nabaon na yata ng mahigit isang dekada.

Been to MIBF (Manila International Bookfair) with matching my own book signing pa! Chos! Ha-ha

And these past few days I am busy organizing my niece’s 
Christening! I’m so excited about this! ^_^  

Sticker for invites! <3

For her DIY guestbook! :) Will blog about this soon. 

Souvenir! Memo clip 

Also, a DIY decoupage. ^_^

And let me leave you with a smile from our angel, Mielly! :)

Hello, my name is Darmainne Miel. I am now two months old.

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