Komiks Has Been Revived!

Hooray! Yes, what you've read is true! Komiks has been revived! Want some proof? Lookie!

Unfortunately for me those are not mine, though I feel lucky having a great privilege reading them. Upon having these books on my hand, I set aside my work and start reading them, nearly forgot that I have work to attend to. (Patay, neglect of duty ito. lol) Sorry, Boss, temptations are great and this hoarder can't miss the opportunity. Opportunity knocks only once, baka makalayas pa. ^_^ 

First stop, Animen! Book 1-2

Written by Ron Mendoza and Illustrated by Randy Valiente

It's two book na! I've read the first book which I bought last bookfair, so I am agitated upon what will happen to the story and how will the characters are presented. To give you an insight of the book. A Lightning . A Plane Crash. Six Survivors. Brand-New Superheroes. (from Animen's book) Right now, I met two Animen's character, so four more to go! ^_^

Second stop, Midnight! Book 1-3

Written by Ron Mendoza and Illustrated by Randy Valiente

These three were based on Camilla's novel My Midnight. I haven't yet read the novel so when reading these I was clueless as to how the story goes. And I was astonished that when I'm done reading them I wanted to buy the novel, my officemate thought of the same thing. Illustration and story were well presented, so good that I can imagine blood when reading each one of them.

Third stop (alam ko na ang iniisip n'yo, kung hanggang ilang stop ba ang entry na ito. lol), Pepe, The Lost Years Of Rizal. Book 1

Written by Ron Mendonza and Illustrated by Arnold Renia Cruz

Sino ba namang hindi na nakakakilala kay Rizal,
right? But Rizal here was presented in an entirely different manner. I'll describe him as a cute Rizal. haha! If you're curious why I said that Rizal is cute here, well, you have to grab a copy. *O, kaya, sumegway sa bookstore at makibasa. :P* This was good recommendation for a child to read, or you can read it for them. And oh, this is the first book. Yes, when I'm done reading this, I ask my friend/officemate; Melai, may Book 2 na? Which I think I asked her a lot of times na.

Fourth stop, The Reaper, Book 1
Written by Nald Tabuzo and Illustrated by Vovoi Lim

Ah, sing a different tune of question. Lying on the book on my table and getting Melai's attention, "Nakuha ba siya ng reaper?" HAHAHAHA! Yes, ako na ang impatient. :P Sorry, for spoiling the moment but the hype is still lingering in me. I even chose what I kind of reaper I'm going to be if given the chance to be one of them. And again, to know more about what the heck I am talking about visit your nearest bookstore, or makibasa ulit sa bookstore. haha!

I must really, really say this, all artworks are great! Each has its own style that suited the story even more.

As promised this is my last stop, my journey will resume tomorrow! :) This is just a snipet of what BLACKink's cooking this year! 13 books for 2013! :)



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