The Logo

I always wanted to have my own logo. In my mind, I picture how it look like. But then my artistic side failed me. Can't really put the idea down to an actual logo. Fail! So I took a courage and asked one of our former intern if he could make a logo. And the grandest thing happened! He agreed to do it, free of charge. Thank you so, so much, Alvin. :) You can also check his work in some of the published books of Black Ink Comics.

So without further ado, my logo!!

I opted it to be black and white. Its meaning is not really that pa-deep. haha. What you see is what you get. No-brainer really. Haha. It is all about my passion in life.

Pen for writing. Writing is always and will always be the one thing I couldn't give up doing.

Books. I love reading, of course. I love sniffing to its pages and discovering another world, meeting new characters.

Coffee. Can't live without it, really.

Paper. I am a certified paper hoarder. Addicted to it, no explanation about. My blog was formerly named misadventureandloadsofpaper. Because I have this penchant for papers.

Road as a symbol for my passion in travelling.

So there! :)


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