I Dreamed A Dream!

I always wanted to have my own studio/office wherein I can lock myself the entire day and do the things I love most: writing and crafting. ^_^ If given a chance to build my own studio/office I probably get most of my ideas in the photos below. I'm flushed with jealousy upon seeing this. HAHAHA. 

I want to have crafting tools! hehe. The only crafting tools I have are scissors and cutter. haha.

Girl na girl and so organize! 

Extreme level of being organize!

Ah! Maybe I should start saving money for all of these! ^__^ 

DIY Ref Magnets! ♥

I acquired virus last week and I had no choice but to stay at home for a few days. My cheeks and face were  swollen and it was difficult to eat solid food. I had to divert the pain of having mumps into something useful and creative. hehe. Isa pa hindi ko na alam ang gagawin sa buong maghapon! hahaha. So I decided to made this personalized ref magnets! :) 

You will need: 

Magnetic sheets
Stickers (for your design)
Creativity! :)

Plain magnetic sheet

Magnetic sheet and scissors

Stickers and cards

Just stick your chosen design on the magnetic sheets and cut it out! 

And voila! You have your own personalized ref magnets!

Another shot! :) 

Tips: Don't limit yourself on just stickers. You can also print pictures on magnetic sheets. So you can have your favorite photos posted in your ref! :) 

One Crafty Saturday Afternoon at DMC

To ward off excessive energy in me (meaning me being so restless), I listed myself to an afternoon bracelet workshop at DMC Megamall. I love to read blogs and one of them is Miss Alessa's. I love her craft photos and her blog design. :) It is from her blog that I read the workshop's invitation. Being apprehensive at first  because I am really a shy person , I hesitated to join. None of my friends were available during that day so I was worried of whom I was going to talk to. But the workshop is so tempting that I find myself bravely filling out the online form. LOL. Also during this time of the year that depression is eating me and the culprit: Mother's Day! I always miss my Mom during these times. "So why not try it?" Said my depressed self.

I have no idea on how to make frienship bracelet so I wanted to try making one, and also I always thought it is fun. And it is! Miss Alessa said that doing them is therapeutic and I couldn't agree more. After the workshop I hurriedly visit SM Department Store to buy some chain and studs. *yeah, I am always that impulsive. haha* And that night I found myself patienly and faithfully doing friendship bracelets. :) And oh, I bought her book which I find it so awesome. I was terribly, terribly shy that I only spoke few words! Totoo po nahihiya din ako. haha. I've been thinking that I'll be doing making this for the next few weeks. Too bad I cannot join the succeeding workshop but I really, really want it so bad. :( 

Lookie here! My share of fun.

We were asked to choose five different colors. This will be our materials for our first bracelet. 

Our tools! yay! 

The first step! I made that pom-pom like thread. Miss Alessa taught us of course. :) 
She is really, really nice. 

My finish product! *happy dance*


This chain is our material for the next bracelet

Ta-da! ♥

I had so much fun doing this! It is all so worth it ♥

I brought with me my instax but had an epic fail photos. :)) Nevertheless I got Miss Alessa to sign one of them.

Her book. :) It is really, really a good book.

Bought this from SM Dept. Store. :) Type ko mag-practice ng bonggang-bongga. ^__^  


My first try in making friendship bracelet. This is a candy stripe bracelet. :)

Braided different colors of  DMC thread then added some studs as what Miss Alessa suggested. 

Second try in making bracelet with chain. 

You can check her site here if you're interested learning some creative stuff. I tell you it is super fun! ♥ Thank you so much, Ma'am Alessa and DMC. It's pure fun. :) ~love this Paper Hoarder 


Photo credits to Mr. Google

Countless times I wished there were more than 24 hours in a day. You see, as one of my friends regard me, I am restless and I am absolutely guilty. I really can't tell you why I end up working in an office with strict regard of time (not really pala, I have a flexible sched) and force me to get up at times I don't feel like going to work. After an eight-hour job or sometimes ten-hour shift I will go home and do the things I love most: writing, reading and crafting. Being a writer is not an easy job, it requires discipline which sometimes I think I have none. But lately I am tied to my promise that I should spend more time writing and by writing I mean, staring at MS word too long is not included. I spend two-three hours struggling to write one thousand words or if my muse is so cooperative I exceeded words and time. And if creative juices flows continuously I diverted into crafts. I always think that there's a lot to do with all my junk and stuff. LOL. Before I hit my bed I'll grab a book to read. So you see this leaves me three-five hours of sleep. :[ So many things I wanted to do with a little time I had. And lately, sleep became inductile for me. *insert haggard look here* LOL

Then it hit me as I read this: And he said to them, “Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while.” For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat. ~Mark 6:31. I needed to rest, I needed to reflect and I needed to breathe with smile and not wanting demanding so much time. God wants me to enjoy each day He's giving me. That above all things I am doing I should be thankful that each day I get to see the beauty He created, I am alive and breathing. That once He reminded me that I should welcome the world "Halt" in my routine. Last year I had a horrible experience towards lack of sleep. I experienced an excruciating pain in my head that led me to undergo CT-Scan. Thankfully the result were negative of all the possible ailment I had. I just needed to rest and rest I did. I remember the fear crept within me as I recall those times. Little by little I have to get acquainted to Mr. Halt, slow things down and be thankful for that 24 hours in a day. Old habits die hard as the saying goes but I you can always welcome the word change. :) 

        And he said to them, “Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while.” For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat. ~Mark 6:31

Random Things

This is such a lame post, I know. ^__^ Here are some of the few things that makes me happy, well aside from hoarding, of course. :) Sorry for crappy photos, this was all taken by my phone.


Taken last March when we visit my Lola's grave. We miss her dearly. :( I'm playing with our new dog, Wako. She's such a darling. And yes, Wako is a female dog. ^__^ 

With my cousin Hanna and Laiza. I love them, especially Hanna who excels in school and keep boasting about her grades. In the clan, she's our bunso, but she's so dalaga na. *ang bilis ng panahon.* huhu 

Laiza's precious talent! haha. Hanging on to dear poles!

I always love bookshops. And I'm just so lucky that Booksale is just a few steps away from my office. I recently bought this, hopefully I can read this soon! :)

My friend Czeila sent me a pdf file of this novel, and luckily I spotted a hard copy on Booksale last Saturday! I told you I love bookshops. :) 

Also got this book for no particular reason. I just love its cover. Ganda ng kulay. haha

This came from my office. :) I do have a lot of post-its and notepads at my drawer.

And recently, I started buying tapes with design in it. I don't know what it's called particularly.

Long time ago, (long time talaga) Mr. Photographer made this mini-version of notebook. I wanted to design it but it always slips in my mind. And last weekend I decided to pursue this project!

Ta-da! This finish product! After wrapping it with the tapes I bought recently!

Okay, nothing much to say here! Cartwheel na lang!

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