Random Things

This is such a lame post, I know. ^__^ Here are some of the few things that makes me happy, well aside from hoarding, of course. :) Sorry for crappy photos, this was all taken by my phone.


Taken last March when we visit my Lola's grave. We miss her dearly. :( I'm playing with our new dog, Wako. She's such a darling. And yes, Wako is a female dog. ^__^ 

With my cousin Hanna and Laiza. I love them, especially Hanna who excels in school and keep boasting about her grades. In the clan, she's our bunso, but she's so dalaga na. *ang bilis ng panahon.* huhu 

Laiza's precious talent! haha. Hanging on to dear poles!

I always love bookshops. And I'm just so lucky that Booksale is just a few steps away from my office. I recently bought this, hopefully I can read this soon! :)

My friend Czeila sent me a pdf file of this novel, and luckily I spotted a hard copy on Booksale last Saturday! I told you I love bookshops. :) 

Also got this book for no particular reason. I just love its cover. Ganda ng kulay. haha

This came from my office. :) I do have a lot of post-its and notepads at my drawer.

And recently, I started buying tapes with design in it. I don't know what it's called particularly.

Long time ago, (long time talaga) Mr. Photographer made this mini-version of notebook. I wanted to design it but it always slips in my mind. And last weekend I decided to pursue this project!

Ta-da! This finish product! After wrapping it with the tapes I bought recently!

Okay, nothing much to say here! Cartwheel na lang!


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