
Photo credits to Mr. Google

Countless times I wished there were more than 24 hours in a day. You see, as one of my friends regard me, I am restless and I am absolutely guilty. I really can't tell you why I end up working in an office with strict regard of time (not really pala, I have a flexible sched) and force me to get up at times I don't feel like going to work. After an eight-hour job or sometimes ten-hour shift I will go home and do the things I love most: writing, reading and crafting. Being a writer is not an easy job, it requires discipline which sometimes I think I have none. But lately I am tied to my promise that I should spend more time writing and by writing I mean, staring at MS word too long is not included. I spend two-three hours struggling to write one thousand words or if my muse is so cooperative I exceeded words and time. And if creative juices flows continuously I diverted into crafts. I always think that there's a lot to do with all my junk and stuff. LOL. Before I hit my bed I'll grab a book to read. So you see this leaves me three-five hours of sleep. :[ So many things I wanted to do with a little time I had. And lately, sleep became inductile for me. *insert haggard look here* LOL

Then it hit me as I read this: And he said to them, “Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while.” For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat. ~Mark 6:31. I needed to rest, I needed to reflect and I needed to breathe with smile and not wanting demanding so much time. God wants me to enjoy each day He's giving me. That above all things I am doing I should be thankful that each day I get to see the beauty He created, I am alive and breathing. That once He reminded me that I should welcome the world "Halt" in my routine. Last year I had a horrible experience towards lack of sleep. I experienced an excruciating pain in my head that led me to undergo CT-Scan. Thankfully the result were negative of all the possible ailment I had. I just needed to rest and rest I did. I remember the fear crept within me as I recall those times. Little by little I have to get acquainted to Mr. Halt, slow things down and be thankful for that 24 hours in a day. Old habits die hard as the saying goes but I you can always welcome the word change. :) 

        And he said to them, “Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while.” For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat. ~Mark 6:31


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