Book #2 Stop Dating The Church

Okay, I think this blog entry is a very, very personal one for me. Before this book, I finished two more, but never got the chance to put it in here. Maybe I will in the next days or so. I had this book for a long time now and just finished reading it recently. And believe me, before I finish this book I literally broke down and cry. :( Not because I am sad but because I am grateful. God let me see so many things I took for granted before.  he open my eyes and heart for the things I do not notice before. For one, this is not about a relationship between two individuals but rather your relationship with Him. I must confess that I am church hopper, I constantly attended different churches for I have no church where I really grew up. You see I grew up in the household of Catholics, though our family frequently attended masses I never had this deep relationship with Him, with God. My faith was shallow. I accepted Christ only during my college days. Then, I attended Sunday services and merely only dated God. My relationship with Him stuck on with that level. *so sad but true* And this book made me realize that I have to stop the dating game and time to fall for Him. Hard, deep and again, really hard. I cannot explain in full details what this book had taught me because I think you have to experience it yourself. But after reading this I assure you that you will realize things that you are ignoring before, like dating your church. And what does "dating the church" means? Well, I guess you have to find that out also in here. :)

"And the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Jesus Christ." ~Philippians 4:7 


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