Way Back in 2007

When I was going over my things last last night I discovered something so interesting! :) Ta-da! My old journal. LOL. This was my journal last 2007 up to first month of 2008. The four bears on the cover was just pasted. hehe. Noon pa man mahilig na ako magkakapit ng kung ano-ano sa notebooks ko. hehe. I put my feelings here, pour out all my frustrations here, review books and movies here, and copied so many quotes and interesting sayings quoted by famous people.

I believe that dreams come true...
I believe in a world of endless possibilities.

I can't share what's in it because it will embarrass me from head to foot! Hahaha. I'll just share some interesting articles and quotes I copied way back then. :) 

9 Expressions of Love (From the book Gifts of the Heart by Dolley Carlson) 

1. The legacy of "I love you" 
2. Tuck love notes 
3. Give the gift of sweet words
4. Show love by walking
5. Send travelers off 
6. "Romance in Marriage"
7. Express love to your husband uniquely 
8. I have given many greeting cards 
9. Birthday Party 

10 Things To Do When You Have Nothing To Do (Eye Magazine, Sept. 2007 by Chi de Jesus) 

1. Read a book 
2. Look at old pictures
3. Clean your room 
4. Call old friends 
5. Create your own spa
6. Sleep 
7. Do repairs 
8. Surf the net 
9. Listen to old records 
10. Exercise

Happiness is between too little and too much. Having just enough wealth to meet your needs, enough poverty to learn how to work hard, enough blessings to know that God loves you and enough problems so you don't forget Him, enough happiness to keep you sweet, enough trials to keep you strong, enough hope to keep you happy and enough sorrow to keep you human. What you are is God's gift to you, but what you become is your gift to God. ~Hindi ko alam kung san ko 'to nakopya. :(

What Money Can Buy (unfortunately I also didn't know where I copied this) 

A bed but not sleep 
Books but not knowledge 
Food but not appetite 
Finery but not beauty 
A house but not a home
Medicine but not health 
Luxuries but not comfort
Pleasures but not happiness
Religion but not salvation

Say not that this is yours and that is mine
Just say, this came to you and to me;
So we may not regret the fading sunshine,
Of all the glorious things which ceased to be.  


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