DIY envelopes ♥

Yay! As promised, a post dedicated to my DIY envelopes. :) 

What you will need: 

An old or used envelope for your pattern (length and size of the envelope varies to your preference) :)
Colored paper/old magazines/ or even old newspaper


Unglue your chosen envelope so it may look like this.
*In short, dissect your envelope. haha*

Trace it to your desired paper. 

Then cut it out. 

Fold two sides, so it may look like this. 

Then glue the lower portion towards both sides.

And ta-da! It's done! 

My DIY envelope! ♥

P.S . Again, sorry for crappy photos. I only have my phone with me at that time. :)

The Beauty Within

I stayed at home last weekend. No errands to accomplish, no date with friends and most of all no money to shop! haha. Besides, it was raining the entire weekend and it was so comfortable to just roam around the house (a.k.a sleep and eat, eat and sleep ^_^). And this is just the only reasonable thing I accomplished the entire time! A card and an envelope in one. :)

Paper from All About Scrapbooking, also those cute little buttons! 

A cut out from old magazine! 

Cute buttons from All About Scrapbooking and also a cut out from Papelmerotti notepad. 

I intentionally left a margin of two inches, fold it backwards to make  also an envelope. :)

Back view of the card. :)

Celebrate This Day!

Yay! I'm back doing cards again. Ah! What can I say I miss this. :) A celebratory card, nothing much to  say actually. No tutorial either, *gah, I'm so lazy!* Will post DIY stuff really , really soon! ♥  

Inlove With Envelopes

What's a letter without an envelope, eh? A stash of the hoarder's fave envelopes. :) In addition, a personalized envelope made by no other than yours truly, Miss Paper Hoarder! yay! 

Cutie! ♥



Sabi ko naman favorite ko sila kaya tig-iisa na lang ang natira! =>

We have a lots of brown envelopes at home in various sizes. hoho
*talk about hoarding*
who would forget the ever classic Air Mail envelopes! :)

My DIY envelopes! yiheee! *Will post How-To soon*

I love this paper from All About Scrapbooking!

Envelope 101

miniature version! Love-love-love ♥

front! ♥

assorted colors.
These are for my gift tags! cuties ♥

a package of mini-envelope. *naks, with packaging talaga*

Heaven ♥

33 Ways: A Quickie Post

As my title suggested this is just a quick post before I head home and enjoy the weekend. 33 ways to stay creative! I badly needed this now! 

Sorry, can't remember the blog  where I read this! :| 

Bookmark Ala Doodle

I love doodling! And according to Mr. Encarta, doodling is to draw aimlessly or absent-mindedly. Now I know why I love doodling. :)) I am always absent-minded in the midst of long meetings or discussion when I was in college. When I'm bored I doodle, when I'm extremely happy I doodle. So last Monday I carry out  this passion of mine into a bookmark! Yay! It's easy as one, two, three. You will only need a cardboard, scissors and a piece of white paper or any sort.


1. Doodle in a piece of paper. You can doodle anything, I promise. I chose to doodle abstract things or shape, er, is it lines? 
2. Cut it in desired length. And glued it in your cardboard (used cardboard will do) then cut it again! 
3. Add ribbons or any desired accessories! I choose threads as my ribbon. :) 
4. Enjoy doodling and making lots of bookmark! :)

A sample doodle I made. See how aimlessly I draw and scribble? =>

Turning doodling into a bookmark. Abstract kung abstract!
I use my craft puncher instead of ordinary puncher to add drama lang. :)

My new bookmark and the book I am currently reading!

My mom loves to send me color pens even up to these days. Feeling n'ya siguro bata pa ako . haha

I love its design! Cutie! :)

In 7th century doodling is also called idle drawing! 
~Mr. Encarta

Book #3 My Imaginary Ex and #4 Kafka on the Shore

This is super late post. hehe. I finished this two books I think two months ago. So yeah, 4 down on my personal book review thing-y. :) And 26 to goooooooooo! LOL

My Imaginary Ex
by Mina V. Esguerra

Here's what happens when you play pretend.

When Zack asks Jasmine to pretend to be his ex-girlfriend, she gamely agrees, thinking it would be fun. A few years later, she still has to keep convincing people that they were never together! Then one day, she finds out he's getting married to someone she'd just met once! All of a sudden, things aren't so clear-cut anymore. Can Jasmine sort out her feelings (sometimes, she can't even tell real from pretend when it comes to her and Zack) before it's too late? 

My friend recommended this chicklit and for that I want to hug her. Thank you Len! I think it's been ages since I last read this kind of book. I bravely admit that I love to read Tagalog pocketbooks, they're everywhere in our house. My table have piles of those kind of books. :) Reading light-themed books, for me, is a good escape for stress. hehe. Just like Mina V. Esguerra's My Imaginary Ex. I love Zack's character on how he contain his love for Jasmine all of those years. It has a nice flow on the story's build up, on how Zack and Jasmine pretends during their school days. Siyempre pa, I listed memorable lines.

From Zack referring to Jasmine's ex-boyfriend: "I hated that guy from the very start and I never lied to you about it. I let you stay with him because you kept choosing to go back. Even I was just there the whole time." *See? Ewan ko lang kung sinong babae ang hindi kikiligin sa line na ito?*

Kafka on the Shore
by Haruki Murakami

Kafka on the Shore, a tour de force of metaphysical reality, is powered by two remarkable characters: a teenage boy, Kafka Tamura who runs away from home either to escape a gruesome oedipal prophecy or to search for his long-missing mother and sister; and an aging simpleton called Nakata, who never recovered from wartime affliction and now is drawn toward Kafka for reasons that, like the most basic activities of daily life, he called fathom. Their odyssey, as mysterious to them as it is to us, is enriched throughout by vivid accomplices and mesmerizing events. Cats and people carry on conversations, a ghost like pimp employs a Hegel-quoting prostitute, a forest harbors soldiers apparently unaged since World War II, and rainstorms of fish (and worse) fall from sky. There is a brutal murder, with the identity of both victim and perpetrator a riddle--yet this, along with everything else, is eventually answered, just as the entwined destinies of Kafka and Nakata are gradually revealed, with one escaping his fate entirely and the other given a fresh start on his own. 

I wouldn't hide the fact that I love magical realism. I also love Gabriel Garcia Marquez works. Last January I just read Murakami's Norwegian Wood and I also love that book. This book made me cry with so much emotions in me. (Nah, just being dramatic. hehe) But yeah, this book is touching. Murakami orchestrates the words and story line into a magical world you would love. I love Kafka's view and characters. There was no boring part for me in this book. Also, I now notice Murakami's attachment to cats. :) ♥ Now I have to purchase my own copy of this book. For those who love magical realism I definitely recommend Murakami's books.

Hence my list of favorite quotes: 

"If you remember me then I don't care if everyone else forgets."

"Chance encounters are what keep us going."

"Everyone one of us is losing something precious to us. Lost opportunities, lost possibilities, feeling we can never get back again. That's part of what it means to be alive."

"Silence, I discover, is something you can actually hear."

"Being with her I feel pain, like a frozen knife stuck in my chest. An awful pain, but the funny thing is I'm thankful for it. It's like that frozen pain and my very existence are one. The pain is an anchor, mooring me here."

"In everybody's life there's a point of no return. And in a very few cases, a point where you can't go forward anymore. And when we reach that point, all we can do is quietly accept the fact. That's how we survive."

"Each person feels pain in his own way, each has his own scars."


An Afternoon of Scrap 'n Tell Workshop

Last Saturday I was, again, given a privilege to be invited in a Scrap 'n Tell workshop hosted by Filstar Distributors Corporations. Filstar is the licensed distributor of BIC, Hallmark, Celebration Balloons and my personal favorite of all time, All About Scrapbooking. And here is the good news, fellow hoarder, they recently acquired the license to distribute Art Attack products here in the Philippines. The kid in me screams with so much joy! Sinong hindi nag-enjoy sa Big Art Attack no'ng bata? Yay! Thank you Alex and Jeman for inviting me here! :)

Look at their super cute invitation!

After a brief introduction given by Miss Carmel Carpio, Marketing Manager of Filstar, we're now geared for our first activity: making a pencil/pen holder. We're given materials, it's an Art Attack products by the way, and a step-by-step instruction on how to make our own pencil/pen holder. It's a bit tricky but no doubt about it, it was so cool and fun. :) Also this holder is made out of cardboard, would you believe? And, oh, I love Art Attack's glittery glue.

My version of pencil/pen holder. :)
For the second part of the activity we were given this goodies:

And yes, you can imagine me grinning from ear to ear. Okay, maybe I'm a bit animated here. But, hey, who wouldn't be excited making your own scrapbook? Just as Miss Carmela said nothing beats adding a personal to your photos, giving them stories and preserving memories. For our theme, it will be carnival. Unfortunately we didn't finish the project. I think we exhausted all our creative juices in the end. But we were encourage to continue it at home. So last Sunday, I stay up late doing this. With the company of scissors, glue and papers I am not bored at all. I enjoy cutting out pictures, designing them and pasting them. You can do sort of things in scrapbooking, you may not necessarily buy all materials you can set your eye into, you just have to be creative. For one you can recycle old magazines, wrappers and papers, I always encourage recycling.

I had loads of fun last weekend, the warm accommodation, fun and excitement was all worth it. Though it rained, it didn't stop me from being happy and giddy. After all, I went home filled with goodies from them and felt creative a bit more. And oh, my friend Alex won in their raffle with an awesome prize. Thank you so much Filstar! And yes, I think this will be an endless thank you! :)

The proud hoarder's finished project: 

Also, I got the chance to visit their showroom. Gusto ko na do'n tumira! haha! I think it is more apt to call it a Crafter's haven. :) They have everything, from papers, embosser, stickers, paper bags, designing tools, cards, everything a crafter can dream of. 

Disney's Art Attack products! :)

Embossers and puff stickers!

Pili-pili lang ng cards. LOL

I remember a time when I'm addicted to these fuzy wires. Now they come in various colors. :) 

Wrappers for all occasions.

And gift bags! :)

Again, from the bottom of my heart thank you so much Filstar! It was indeed a fun-filled afternoon! :) Let the creativity flows like water on Earth! :)

This made the paper hoarder jumps for happiness!

"Creativity is one of God's gift to us. We may not discover it yet, but in our own unique way we are creative." ~Misadventurer/paper hoarder

Repost! :)

A good friend of mine wrote this touching piece and the urge to repost it here was so strong that I think if she wouldn't let me repost this, I'll bug her forever. Haha. Luckily, in this time I am fortunate enough to walk with this journey in faith and life with her. I am blessed having her. Thank you, Czei! Okay, enough of my sentiments. Here it is:

Love and Rainy Days  

Rainy days! Ah! Rainy days always prompt me to write. And I guess this time is not an exemption.
The sound of the rain always illicit a warm response from within me, mostly because I tend to conjure up images of people huddled together tightly under an umbrella or under a blanket. I myself will cuddle in a comfortable chair with a hot cup of coffee, enjoying the laziness rainy days bring out in people, my heart and mind wandering about, creating romantic scenes associated with rain and the sound of it as it hits the pavement.

All of my friends know that I’m a hopeless romantic at heart. I hoard romantic books, loves songs and love poems, quotations, movies, series… you name it. I chase romance like a butterfly to a flower, always on the lookout for something sweet to sustain me for the rest of the day. One of my closest friends used to say that I’m in love with the idea of love, and looking back, I can honestly (though not proudly) say that all those times I felt my heart and pulse race because of another person’s presence, I was falling in love with love. Well, of course, I didn’t know it at that time. I insisted with all the confidence of a wanna-be superstar that I know what it is to love someone. That I was ready to plunge into a relationship based solely with the way a guy smiles, or the way his eyes shine when he’s talking of basketball. It’s actually a little funny and ironic because all my prayers now are pleas for God to teach me how to love.

You see, the keyword there is ‘hopeless.’ I mistook romance for love. I attributed the goo-eyed, butterflies-in-the-stomach, head-pounding-cause-of-excessive-supply-of-oxygen feeling to something as grand as Love. After a series of disappointments, bitterness, and disillusionment brought about by my selfish demand for perfection, I actually came to a point where I told myself that it’s better to grow old alone. Forget the romantic growing-old-together with someone - I simply cannot live with a person who doesn’t know the difference between yours and your’s. I viewed Love as if it was my English term paper: for all the wrong prepositions, paragraphs, and misplaced sentences, points are deducted. I demanded perfection without really seeing whether I can honestly say I’ve reached that standard I so stubbornly demanded on other people.

But seeing within myself made things a lot worse. Now, I can see my flaws, my insecurities, my imperfections. It horrified and scared me, and it intensified my conviction not to be with anyone. I thought, “Now, there’s no one who will love someone as wretched as me.” It created a bitter hollow inside me seeing I’m not worthy enough to be loved by a wonderful person. I was so sure that no one in his right mind would want to be with a girl who could get by without a shower during rainy days. In my naivety, I thought my standards are THE standards. And since I can’t reach the standards I’ve built for myself, I was so sure no one will.

It is during these moments of “kaemohan” that God spoke to me and said, “My precious daughter, you are fearfully and wonderfully made. Do not be afraid to go out there. You can love because I loved you first.” (Psalms 139: 14; 1 John 4:19)

Wow! Those are some powerful sentences there. When I realized how much God loves me - that He sent Jesus to die for my sins so I can experience true joy and freedom - I realized how trite and cynic my view of Love is. I remembered crying - because I feel honored, and because I realized that I was always chasing love the wrong way for all the wrong reasons.

I was always on the lookout for what I can gain by the relationship - happiness for me, acceptance for me, higher self-esteem for me. And sadly, all the romantic relationships I’ve encountered that ended up in separation and broken hearts also have the self syndrome in them. “He doesn’t make me feel the same way anymore.” “He doesn’t care about me.” “He just doesn’t understand everything I’m saying.” etc etc. Of course, it isn’t wrong to expect such things from people whom you’ve made a commitment to, but this shouldn’t be the root or the foundation of the relationship, as these things cover the limited understanding of just one person.

A person cannot give you the same level of affection everytime. A person isn’t wired to give you the same emotional high everytime you hold hands, nor can he/she feed those butterflies in your stomach. Feelings diminish over time. If you base your definition of love with the way the other person makes you feel, then expect love to fly out of the window the moment a storm arrives. This kind of love is unhealthy. It doesn’t help you grow as a person. Much more, it hurts the other person too, damaging their hearts so long as the relationship drags.

The truth is, we cannot experience the “ideal love” without a solid foundation. In relation, we can only give out love if we receive it. And we can only find it in the source of Love itself - God.
Have you ever wondered why it has always become a necessity that when we love people, we expect to be loved back? Many songs and poems are written because of what we call the ‘unrequited love’ - the longing that is not met or fulfilled by the object of affection. And many hearts acquired scars because of it. The reason simply is because when we love, we give something of ourselves away; and when we give something away, it isn’t ours anymore. Since we can only give what we have, when we give love away, there’ll be no love left in us. That’s why when the affection isn’t returned, we are left with gaps and holes inside us that we desperately try to fill. This is the reason why there are many people who vow never to love again, because they cannot now give something that they do not have.

But what happens when we focus our attention to God and not to wordly romance? When we make God the center of our life? When we experience God - who is the real meaning of Love - and let Him fill our hearts and souls, love will overflow within and beyond us. And the overflow of this love, this joy and contentment and satisfaction, is what we give away to other people. And because we have an unlimited source, we wouldn’t be afraid that our love won’t be returned, because the love we give is only a tiny fraction, the falling crumbs of a full vessel. Isn’t that a very comforting thought? We can love and love as many people as we can, as many times as we want, without the fear of being empty-handed, because we know at the end of it all, the love of God will still continue to overflow. This is the kind of love that makes new life. The kind of love that transforms not only us, but also those people around us.

Imagine a life where there are no sad love songs. No pillows wet at night. No hoarding of ice creams and chocolates whenever the memory of a lost love strikes. No telephone calls to late-night radio programs. No broken hearts. Can you picture it for a moment? It may seem impossible, but with God’s grace, it can happen.

Is there anything more romantic than this?

As I type the last sentence, I get a little giddy inside. And very, very excited. I, for one, am in the middle of experiencing God’s love. I can’t explain it well, but it’s not as temporary as the kilig I get when I see my crush in a gorgeous haircut. The kilig that comes from knowing how much God loves me changes not only the way I feel, but the way I live my life. Compared to when I was chasing romance, there is so much more meaning in chasing God, because He continuous to reveal Himself to me. Everyday, there is something new to ponder about Him. And everyday, I am left completely breathless and in awe of how much I am loved by the Creator of the heavens and the earth. And yes, this is the kind of love that enables me to live a new life. The kind of love that rejects all insecurities, and doubts, and fear, and empowers me to live free and wanted.
It is still raining here. And my mind still wanders on the possibility of two people finally meeting each other during this cold weather. And maybe, I’d get a little jealous, as what usually happens when I wonder when will my time for romance come. But I will smile, because I know that it is also one of God’s miracles. I will smile because I can live everyday knowing that I can finally love.

Hope you've been blessed! :) ~Misadventurer/paperhoarder

Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed.
Ecclesiastes 4:9 (NLT)

Posted With Numbers

I learn doing this cute bracelets from Miss Alessa in one of her workshops. I just added a bit of kakikayans to it. I remember she said that doing friendship bracelet is therapeutic and I definitely agree! :)

I finally got the chance to cover my recently purchased books.

Just finished reading this book. And it was worth the time I spent reading it! An awesome book I must say. Bought it from Booksale for a good price of 80 pesos.

Wrote letters! Writing can release the stress out of me, and yes, my friends can vouch to that. During my high school days my friends received bunch of letters from me. And up to til now I can't give up that habit. Nothing beats a personal touch.

I joined a scrapbooking event, again! yay! Lookie here! The theme was carnival.

And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to the Father through him. ~ Colossians 3:17

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