Bookmark Ala Doodle

I love doodling! And according to Mr. Encarta, doodling is to draw aimlessly or absent-mindedly. Now I know why I love doodling. :)) I am always absent-minded in the midst of long meetings or discussion when I was in college. When I'm bored I doodle, when I'm extremely happy I doodle. So last Monday I carry out  this passion of mine into a bookmark! Yay! It's easy as one, two, three. You will only need a cardboard, scissors and a piece of white paper or any sort.


1. Doodle in a piece of paper. You can doodle anything, I promise. I chose to doodle abstract things or shape, er, is it lines? 
2. Cut it in desired length. And glued it in your cardboard (used cardboard will do) then cut it again! 
3. Add ribbons or any desired accessories! I choose threads as my ribbon. :) 
4. Enjoy doodling and making lots of bookmark! :)

A sample doodle I made. See how aimlessly I draw and scribble? =>

Turning doodling into a bookmark. Abstract kung abstract!
I use my craft puncher instead of ordinary puncher to add drama lang. :)

My new bookmark and the book I am currently reading!

My mom loves to send me color pens even up to these days. Feeling n'ya siguro bata pa ako . haha

I love its design! Cutie! :)

In 7th century doodling is also called idle drawing! 
~Mr. Encarta


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