Five Years

I think this has been the most difficult blogpost I will ever write. I've been staring at the blinking cursor for a couple of minutes now and yet words don't come easy. This is my fourth day of being unemployed. I am not good at saying goodbye, perhaps none of us do. And yes, letting go is one of the hardest job ever. So why am I writing this? Not to say goodbye but to express my gratitude to all of those people whom I shared my five years with.

It was around September 2007 when I was hired as a subtitler in a multi-media company. I was 21 years old then. I was so happy  entering the corporate world. For five years, my life revolved on a routine. I met a lot of people, learned so many lessons and learned so much about work ethics. For five years I also developed the most annoying habit I have now. (When I watch movies, in my head I repeat their lines. gah!) I grew older, my perspective in life became twisted as well as my mind. LOL And realized I am not happy anymore. I was exhausted and unhappiness overwhelmed my heart. I complained too much and the work ethics I know started to diminish right in front of my very own eyes. I have to say goodbye. I have to pursue my heart's desire.

It's a very tough decision. For five years my work has been my comfort zone. My work provided me with awesome friends that I'll forever be thankful for. But sometimes God called us to step out of our comfort zone. So, I stepped out. Having faith that despite all my doubts and fear God will provide for me.

I don't have a clear plan of what I will do for the next days, months or so. Am I gonna look for work? I don't know. But as of now I am enjoying my life as a fulltime writer. Honing the talent that God has given me.

Certainly, I know time will come that I will miss my flexible shift, I'll miss my work and my workstation. I will miss my friends. I will certainly miss those endless laughter and chikahan moments with them. And yes, this is heart-gripping. :( I am terribly missing my friends. As my FB status stated, I will never say goodbye because I'll definitely see you again, guys.

The Journey. *not in chronological order*

My first Christmas party with them! 

SDI's party. :)

The gang I love. Last days with them at Laiya, Batangas.

At the office. 

With Rio, a very dear officemate and a friend. 

In those five years I these two taught me so many things; in life and in work.

At Laiya, Batangas. August 2012

Since we became friends, we're inseparable. LOL

SDI 2012

<3 <3 <3

Do not be afraid because your journey to experience His unfailing faithfulness is just about to start.
--Out of My Comfort Zone, Cecile Corvera

God is able to give you more than you need, so that you will always have all you need for yourselves and more than enough for every good cause.
--2 Corinthians 9:8

PS Photo credits to Mr. Alex Dizon. I hoard all of these photos to his FB page. :) Thank you, Lex. :)

Nail Art Craze And Other Things ♥

My bestfriend is getting married!!! *Exclamation point talaga because as soon as she told me about this I was literally screaming! Haha! I think I will write about that soon. :) And last Saturday we braved the shopping mecca of the Philippines, Divisoria, to look for her wedding gown. ^_^ Siyempre, being the kikay that we are we shop!  haha. She bought a dress and curling stuff, I bought nail polish and go gaga over it over the next day. LOL.

Loads of Fun starts here:

Starting to love these! ♥

My cousin's (Arra) mani! Dahil hindi ko kaya kapag sa sarili ko
sa kanila ko na lang ginawa. They're willing victim! 

Laiza's nails. ♥

My foot! hahahahahaha

First try on making spray beads! 

Black and white!
My mustard yellow skirt! ♥

Oh Rainy Days!

I am and will always be a beach person. I love summer the most! I love walking along the shore and having a sun-kissed skin. Well, sometimes it's more than a kiss, the sun will hug me and it will took me months to get back my natural skin color. haha. And I dreaded rainy days the most. For me, rainy days significies loneliness. Rainy days bring out the sentimental me. And with the catastrophe last week, it nearly made me cry.

It was Monday morning when the rain start pouring really hard. I came to office soaking wet even though I have my umbrella. Rain was really hard and pouring like there's no tomorrow. It did not stop. Knowing some parts of Metro Manila, in a matter of hours some places were flooded. Later that evening, news was all over the net and television that some place was not passable. We can't leave the office because it is reported that vehicles can't pass through in some areas. So literally we're stranded. We spent the night in the office.


The news was very alarming. Flood is every where, many families  have been evacuated and dams reached their spilling level. I came home the following day, Tuesday, braving the rain and flood everywhere. And when I reached our house the water outside it was knee-deep. We kept on praying that the rain will stop the following day but it did not. :( And I almost panicked when it reached the first step of our house. (We're renting a two-story apartment and it happen to be that ours is at second floor.) We can't imagine how high it is in other places.

When we open our door this shocked us. :(

And then last Sunday, we came to ponder on this: Is God punishing us for what we're doing to Mother Earth? Then the answer came clearly to us. No, God is not punishing us but He is clearly reminding us to take care of the world He gave us. And I believe that the rain is the cry of the nature begging us to stop cutting trees, avoid throwing trash everywhere and be responsible enough to protect her. This little things can be a lot of help if we always keep it in mind.

I want my children (in the future) to experience walking along the beach and not just see it only in photos. I want them to experience climbing trees and mountains. I want them to enjoy the nature as I enjoyed it when I was a little girl. So the next time you let go of that tiny candy wrapper, think if what will it to do to Mother Earth. Every little thing counts, you know. ;)  


Just finished reading all of these. 

I love frogs! Purchased this from SM Department Store. :) 

Something you can do with your chopsticks! 

Beads and wire

Chopstick for your hair! :)

I did my cousin's mani!
Actually it's a suhol (bribe) 'cause she did my laundry! :) 

Benefits of Having a TV-Free Home

In this day and age, it is very rare that you can see a home without a television set (TV). It's like television is a basic need in our daily lives. We turn on our TV for news, for entertainment and sometimes it just become a habit to turn it on.

It was nearly a year ago that our TV broke down. I kept on thinking that it was not because of the lightning that it broke down but because it was so overuse and abuse by her owner. >_< You see, we turn it on the moment we open our eyes and it will be open for the rest of the day. So unfortunately it's been a year now that we don't have a TV at home. At first it was so hard for us, it keep us entertained you know. But then again, it was very timely that it broke down in times when my cousin was reviewing for his board exam. So by then it was very helpful that we have a TV-free apartment. And luckily, he passed his exam! * I always believed that it was because he had no distraction and all. He loves watching TV.* He is now a certified Engineer! (Whopeee! Proud cousin here!) 

So we plan to have our revive our TV from the shop where we brought it to be fixed after he passed his exams. But until now it remain there. haha. So yeah, up to this moment we have a TV-less environment. And I can say that having a TV-less environment do have it's advantages.

Now I have all the time in the world to read all the books I hoard. I finally influenced two of my cousins who are living with me to also read. Well, I coaxed them to read. I love books and I wanted to share this passion with them. At first it took them two-three days to finish a book a.k.a. pocketbook. lol. *They didn't really have the patience when it comes to books. They prefer texting and some sort of things than reading.* But now they can read two books in one day. And finally the greatest achievement of all, they are now reading English books. (Again I proud cousin here! haha)

Secondly, we now have time to chat. I mean, we really sit down and take an hour or so just exchanging stories and sort. We are now more open with each other. And now I can keep track their performance in school. *grins* 

Thirdly, we invented a lot of games. What can we say we're bored. haha. We can't keep up if everyday we're in a mall. 

Lastly, I can now concentrate on my writing and working on papers! :)

So did we miss our TV? Absolutely, yes but we survived a year without it and it will not hurt surviving without in the next month or so. :)            

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