Oh Rainy Days!

I am and will always be a beach person. I love summer the most! I love walking along the shore and having a sun-kissed skin. Well, sometimes it's more than a kiss, the sun will hug me and it will took me months to get back my natural skin color. haha. And I dreaded rainy days the most. For me, rainy days significies loneliness. Rainy days bring out the sentimental me. And with the catastrophe last week, it nearly made me cry.

It was Monday morning when the rain start pouring really hard. I came to office soaking wet even though I have my umbrella. Rain was really hard and pouring like there's no tomorrow. It did not stop. Knowing some parts of Metro Manila, in a matter of hours some places were flooded. Later that evening, news was all over the net and television that some place was not passable. We can't leave the office because it is reported that vehicles can't pass through in some areas. So literally we're stranded. We spent the night in the office.


The news was very alarming. Flood is every where, many families  have been evacuated and dams reached their spilling level. I came home the following day, Tuesday, braving the rain and flood everywhere. And when I reached our house the water outside it was knee-deep. We kept on praying that the rain will stop the following day but it did not. :( And I almost panicked when it reached the first step of our house. (We're renting a two-story apartment and it happen to be that ours is at second floor.) We can't imagine how high it is in other places.

When we open our door this shocked us. :(

And then last Sunday, we came to ponder on this: Is God punishing us for what we're doing to Mother Earth? Then the answer came clearly to us. No, God is not punishing us but He is clearly reminding us to take care of the world He gave us. And I believe that the rain is the cry of the nature begging us to stop cutting trees, avoid throwing trash everywhere and be responsible enough to protect her. This little things can be a lot of help if we always keep it in mind.

I want my children (in the future) to experience walking along the beach and not just see it only in photos. I want them to experience climbing trees and mountains. I want them to enjoy the nature as I enjoyed it when I was a little girl. So the next time you let go of that tiny candy wrapper, think if what will it to do to Mother Earth. Every little thing counts, you know. ;)  


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