Benefits of Having a TV-Free Home

In this day and age, it is very rare that you can see a home without a television set (TV). It's like television is a basic need in our daily lives. We turn on our TV for news, for entertainment and sometimes it just become a habit to turn it on.

It was nearly a year ago that our TV broke down. I kept on thinking that it was not because of the lightning that it broke down but because it was so overuse and abuse by her owner. >_< You see, we turn it on the moment we open our eyes and it will be open for the rest of the day. So unfortunately it's been a year now that we don't have a TV at home. At first it was so hard for us, it keep us entertained you know. But then again, it was very timely that it broke down in times when my cousin was reviewing for his board exam. So by then it was very helpful that we have a TV-free apartment. And luckily, he passed his exam! * I always believed that it was because he had no distraction and all. He loves watching TV.* He is now a certified Engineer! (Whopeee! Proud cousin here!) 

So we plan to have our revive our TV from the shop where we brought it to be fixed after he passed his exams. But until now it remain there. haha. So yeah, up to this moment we have a TV-less environment. And I can say that having a TV-less environment do have it's advantages.

Now I have all the time in the world to read all the books I hoard. I finally influenced two of my cousins who are living with me to also read. Well, I coaxed them to read. I love books and I wanted to share this passion with them. At first it took them two-three days to finish a book a.k.a. pocketbook. lol. *They didn't really have the patience when it comes to books. They prefer texting and some sort of things than reading.* But now they can read two books in one day. And finally the greatest achievement of all, they are now reading English books. (Again I proud cousin here! haha)

Secondly, we now have time to chat. I mean, we really sit down and take an hour or so just exchanging stories and sort. We are now more open with each other. And now I can keep track their performance in school. *grins* 

Thirdly, we invented a lot of games. What can we say we're bored. haha. We can't keep up if everyday we're in a mall. 

Lastly, I can now concentrate on my writing and working on papers! :)

So did we miss our TV? Absolutely, yes but we survived a year without it and it will not hurt surviving without in the next month or so. :)            


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