One Fine Sunday...

...Ate brought me to heaven. LOL. Well, not literally heaven per se but the feeling I felt at that time. Last Sunday while scouting for some stuff for my niece's birthday we stopped by to this quaint shop.

The Paper Market

Imagine me smiling from ear to ear as I entered the shop. Happiness is under statement I think. If you read my previous post, this blog is originally for my misadventure and paper craft pero hindi ko lang napanindigan. Haha! Paper Market really is really for those who have insatiable creative appetites. They almost have everything a crafter can wish for. 


Ah, look at those papers! Adorable... 

I also love those paper gadgets. Feel na feel ko ang pagiging Martha Stewart. hehe. 

But lo and behold... 

I really took photo of this. But as I roamed around the shop I read that taking photos was strictly prohibited. Please forgive me, Paper Market. I am just excited and so happy! ^_^ 

SG's Third Lesson To NG

In everything you do, be patient.

I am sometimes a very impatient person. So when I learned that I would be left with my niece 24 hours, in my head I heard a warning sound. I do love my niece and I love children. Who wouldn't love them I guess? Their little smile and sweet hug are the sweetest thing in the world. But children do not smile all day, they cry, they have tantrums. Being with my niece taught me how to be patient. She taught me how to care more, how to extend my understanding a little further beyond words can compare.

I can now say that I can handle her as easy as one, two, three. I can bathe her without drama and now it's lesser please. She enjoys the water. I can change her diaper while singing ABC's and love songs. I can feed her and bring her to sleep now. Stepping out into my comfort zone taught me a lot, I think. So 'til the next lesson. :)

Meet my adorable niece. ^_^

SG's Second Lesson To NG

And as the lesson continues... SG's second lesson to NG...


When left alone in our house in Manila, I usually dine out or ordered cook for myself. O, ha, see how I eat healthy food. LOL. But with high-cost living here in Singapore I can't always dine out, luckily, I'm with my ate and cousin whom patiently teach me how to cook. Plus they even encourage me to try baking! Yay! And I realized that baking is addictive. You'll always want to try something new especially when you failed in your first try. ^_^ 
first attempt to bake

SG's First Lesson To NG

It's been almost a week now since I landed here. Homesickness still struck in the middle of the day out of nowhere, I just keep myself busy to ward off the feeling. Being away from home taught me so many things, and I decided to blog them one by one.

Singapore's First Lesson to Nicka Gracia:  GO TO THE MARKET/ DO YOUR OWN GROCERY

Way back in the Philippines I always rely on Mama Elsa, my aunt who is also a mother to us, whenever I am in the market. I practically knew nothing about "tawad", I am always confused on what to buy and I always ended up missing something from the grocery list if I did the chore by myself. So last Sunday, Ate handed me 50 SGD and told me to buy something in ShengSiong, more like a supermarket here, and when I asked here what to buy she just replied, "Bahala ka na." And I'm like... Ahm, uhm... HAHAHAHA!

So SG's first lesson: Ang mamalengke! In all fairness, it was a success. My cousin and I were able to budget our money. Yay!!! 

Ribbon Ala Bookmark

Ah, I told you I really should rename this blog! Haha! Last Monday I declared it to be a writing break. So I divert my attention to crafts! I finally opened again my craft box and got acquainted again with my scissors. And for a quick crafting session I made this bookmark from the last Christmas' gifts bookbinder. :)


Any scrap colored cardboard or folder
cutter and scissors

Hoarder's preparation ^_^

I cut almost 6 centimeters of used colored board.

Then cut a straight line in the lower end so I can insert a desired length of ribbon.

Secure the ribbon at the back of the board. Design your ribbon! <3

Lookie! <3

Trying to Capture The Moment

I love photography. I love to travel. I love meeting new people. I love appreciating God's creation. And withe all these things that I love I tried to capture it and preserve the memory.

Meet Miss Gypsy Esguerra

At Sky Ranch Tagaytay with Boss

At People's Park with Boss

Button Bookmarks!

Hey, it's been a long time since I last posted a DIY craft! Maybe I should rename my blog, I could change it to a DIY Bookmark nook since most of my DIY craft are bookmarks. LOL

Without much further ado, let's start crafting

What you will need:

Paper clips (bigger clip is much better)

buttons from Scrapbooking, ordinary buttons will work just the same

Paper clips. I hoard almost anything and it includes these clips.

You just glue-gunned the buttons in the top portion of the paper clips and voila, you have an instant bookmark!

Finish product!

trying my new found love. haha

Happy crafting! <3 <3 <3

Year-End Post: NG's Best Of 2013

Warning, long post ahead! ^_^

I know it's been two weeks after New Year and still I hadn't had the time to write my reflection about the year passed. I crammed before the year ends and managed to squeeze few events which requires me to escape urban life for a moment. So before the muse left again, let me share the highlight of my 2013.

I remember posting a status last January 2013 that goes, "Looking forward to a great 2013. I have to be happy and in His time I will be." If you've been reading this blog of mine for quiet sometime now, you know that 2012 had been an emotional year for me. So I prayed, even prayed so hard, for me to be a better person. That in time, in God's perfect time, I can decipher what His plan for me. And as the song said, "Count your blessings, name them one by one..." I made it to a point to be thankful for everything, not just those wonderful memories but even those pain, those depression and heartaches.

 The highlight of my 2013!

1. I survived a week of fasting.

Yeah, God gave me enough grace and courage to survived a week of fasting. I have to thank my VG, especially, my leader Miss Inna, who encourage me to this. My friend/girlfriend/co-writer and sister in faith, Czeila helped me. I always thanked Him for putting the right people in my path.

2. My first airplane ride and my travels!

photo credits to my my good friend Alex. :)

Before 2013 started I include four local travels and two international trips as a goal. God humbled me to not only travel four places but six. I also had an opportunity to visit my sister in Singapore and had a great time there! Horay to this traveler! :)

3. Angels! 

Darmainne Miel A. Concubierta

Marcus Draneal E. Lucas

Two angels close to my heart was born. On the first photo is my very beautiful niece, Miel or Mielly as I call her. Miel is the best blessing we received this year. She became an instant hit in our family. The very first grandchild, my first niece. Our world revolves around her now. And I believe that she is spoiled to the nth power. Haha! Ah, the perks of being the family's favorite. LOL. On the second photo is my handsome grandson, Marcus. He is my best friend's son. I insisted calling him Aiden because I wanted so. HAHA! And maybe when he's old enough he'll look at me with those inquiring eyes and we'll ask, "Why, Aiden, Ninang?" Haha!

4. God's healing. The Boss.

Maybe he'll told me more than 50 things to remember aside from those written in this book. Oftentimes, he'll try to remind me not to stay late at night, which I seldom follows. Most of the time he seems frustrated in me not recognizing the right direction as to where to go. Again, he'll remind me again the technic in remembering different directions. And so many times he'll remind me not to not drink coffee and eat healthy food, which I never follow.Stubborn, NG! But despite all these I am constantly reminded that God gave me my heart's healing through him.

5. Weddings! 

photo credits to Mr. Alex Dizon

Two of my friends get married this year! Again! Jessalyn, is my elementary best friend. We were inseparable during our childhood days. And we're forever seatmates! Last April she finally had her dream come true. She walked down the aisle and exchange vows to her first boyfriend. After all these years their love surpass its challenges. And again, I was their maid of honor. LOL. Another friend of mine also tied a knot to their love story just last December. Rio also married her first boyfriend. It was so sweet, solemn and full of love. Hmm, I think there was something in first love. HAHA! 

6. Friends. Good company. An opportunity.

Many times I took for granted the things given to me. And I was so sorry. This year, I had an opportunity meeting new friends, expanding my social skills a bit and given a huge opportunity at work. In the last quarter of 2012 I was employed by a publishing house, Precious Pages. It is a great privilege, an honor. Working with them for more than a year teaches me so many things. I learned so much and discovered that work really is indeed a continuous learning. They've been so patient with me and offer so many opportunities. I discovered that I can do more. And for so many things I will be forever grateful. :)

Hmm, I cannot list all of the things happened to me last year. I may forget some of the things happened. Sorry, sorry, forgive this forgetful memory. And as I've said, these were the highlights of my life this 2013! And just like 2013, I am positive that God has greater things stored for me this year! :) Cheers to 2013! 

All Challenge Accepted!

I'm positive that this year God has greater things in store for me, for us! And every year my friends put up different challenges, like loosing weight (siyempre I'm not included. hehe), reading challenge, which I always enthusiastically joined, and other stuff. But this year, I accepted two different challenges all of which, I believe, will help me save money. Note, I always include to save money in my prayers or faith goals every year. Na hindi ko yata na-achieve ever. LOL

First Challenge! 


photo credits to my good friend Gypsy Esguerra 

Okay, so let me explain why this challenge happened. I love books! I spent most of my monthly salary on buying books. And if you happen to visit our home you can see books lying almost everywhere inside our house. I buy a lot of books but never really read them as soon as I bought them. So to lessen our expenses we thought of this, the NO BUYING OF BOOKS CHALLENGE. Hmm, let's see if who will win, hah! ^_^

The Second Challenge! 

photo credits to Kuripot Pinay

This challenge was viral in Facebook. My sister immediately call my attention to this and coax me to do likewise. Ah, the ever kuripot sister that she is. Haha! So after reading kuripotpinay's blog I said to myself, "Okay, why not?" And you're asking my motivation about this, eh? Hmm, I wanted to buy my own car soon!!!! As in pretty soon! ^_^

Ah, by God's grace I think I can do these two! :)

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