Happy Halloween!


Okay, this is a pahabol post. In a few hours we're all going home. Batangas, here we come! :) This is my way of celebrating Halloween. Stitch that nails. woohooo! See, how twisted this hoarder's mind is.

Another nail art craze! :) 

And this is my feet! 

Another victim! hoho

Cute Potpurri burner. :) <3

See for only 29. 75. 

Happy Halloween! <3


Unfortunately for me, I didn't get the chance to attend the summer Komikon last May. Sayang kasi I was so excited and so prepared by that time. I even had in mind the stuff and comics that I would buy. But mumps strike and forbid me to go. :(

Luckily another Komikon! Yay! Sabi siguro kawawa naman ang mga hindi nakapunta bigyan natin ng chance. haha. I am happy but at the same time worried because sadly my budget this time was soooo limited that I end up drooling on those indi-comics for our last stop. Bakit kasi huli na namin na-discover ang indi-tiange. :( Di bale babawi na lang ulit ako next year! Despite that, this hoarder/misadventurer is too happy to share her passio for comics. If only kids these days still have the same passion and excitement when I saw comics lying around our house when I was littlle. Ah, how can I forget Funny Comics. :)

And of course, I'm with my fellow comics-fan Lenlen. We also met Melai there and Mommy Corne. Sayang lang walang table ang Cat's Trail this time. And oh, we met a cool guy/professor who creates this cute comics. Lenlen bought his works naki-share na lang ako sa pagbasa. Haha. 

My Komikon experience is not complete without Superman. 


In love with their packaging!

Sabi nga ni Ate ma-i-i-stress ka sa dami ng free! Lol
I just bought the Salmon Komiks and those are free!

One True Love! <3

What I hoard! 

'Til next Komikon, folks! :)


Old school style of writing. Yes, I am back to pen and paper kid! :)
Trivia: I just finished a manuscript just by manually writing every scene. LOL
Warning: This is a continuous blabbering. Read at your own risk. ^_^ Also, this has nothing to do with Jack Bauer's 24. :) 

If you only have 24 hours to live, what will you do?

Ah, this question still lingers in my mind up to this moment. I tagged along with my fellow VG-mate to her other group and they were doing an in-depth discussion about an ongoing series titled "THE END" which is now on its third week. Anyhoo, we've been asked to answer this question: If you only have 24 hours to live in this world, what will you do?

I've been itching to answer a famous line, "I would like to pray for world peace." (Miss Universe na Miss Universe lang ang peg ko) LOL. But Rhona did that for me, she answered that she would be praying for world peace. Which lead to another question, "Ano? You'll be praying for 24 hours?" And then after a moment of chaos, we answered seriously na. My turn came. In an instant I answered that I will write my entire life in that one day. (O, ha! Hemmingway/Frost lang ang drama!)

I admit that I am not a very good writer, I suck at grammar, big time. What keeps me going is that I love to write. I write anything that pops into my mind almost anywhere. I write when I am sad, I write when I am happy, I write when I am depressed. I write. Just give me a pen and a paper and I'll survive the entire day. (Coffee is a plus.) Up to this time, whenever someone ask me what my job is, I am too shy to admit that I am a writer. Dahil minsan alam ko na ang kasunod ng tanong, "Saan ka nagsusulat? Malaki ba ang kita diyan?" Or sometimes worst reaction is, they will look at you as if saying, "Ah, another weirdo." LOL

I quit working because I believe that this is my calling. God let me out of my comfort zone to share my thoughts to other people. If I made other people happy through my works, I think it's just a bonus. I only wanted to share a part of me with them hoping that one way or another they will learn something from what I wrote. (or sometimes I want them to be entertained.) It's been a privilege that He gave me this gift, the power of pen. Thus, it's been said that pen is mightier than a sword.

If in 24 hours I'll be able to write my own story, my life, into one book I think it will be hilarious. LOL. And heck, who will buy this hoarder's book? LOL. But I always believe that life is a continuous learning and what teaches us best is our experience. Clearly, what I've experienced was just a tiny fraction of what other people have gone through. But I am hoping that if ever when that time comes and I'll be able to write my own experience, I just hope that it will be a blessing for someone. Sana kahit paano may matutunan sila sa lahat ng kabaliwan at kabalbalan ko. :))         

Also, I think that everyone of us have the ability to write. Minsan nga lang hindi natin mahagilap ang tamang salita para sa ating nararamdaman. And sometimes when they aked me about writer's tip and how should they start writing, my only monotonous answer is: Simply just write. Write from the bottom of your heart. All of us are writers and God is our precious editor and at the same time publisher. You just have to grab that pen He has given you and start writing. :)

"Each one, as a good manner of God's different gifts, must use for the good of others the special gift he has received from God."
1 Peter 4:10

The Wonders of Pila, Laguna

For quite some time I lost the sole purpose of this blog but upon contemplating and rereading my blog's title I always find my way back, so here I am sharing another adventure. Which by the way happens months ago.

I've been to Laguna twice this year, first stop was at Pagsanjan and Liliw, then UP Los Banos and Pila, Laguna. But this adventure was I must say a memorable one, too. The only misadventure I encountered this time was that I didn't bring my toothbrush with me and just realized this when I'm about to sleep. LOL. Pila is one of the most peaceful town I've been through. Their town were surrounded with green rice fields and a lot of trees! Pila has its own charm, luring you to walk at its streets and appreciating these old houses which still boast its grandeur. Ah, how I miss the urban life! So let me share to you a bit about this adventure. :)

My friend Czeila invited me to stay in their house for more than two days. (Thank you again, Czei. You know how thankful I am, right? ^_^) The plan was to hike Mt. Makiling but unfortunately we chickened out as her friend who is an expert mountaineer warned us about the terrain. Plus the fact that there's only the two of us braving the hike. So we cancelled the plan and devise another one. The adventure: JOGGING! yay! We woke up, I mean, Czeila woke up earlier than we plan while on the other hand, this misadventurer have to literally slap herself to wake up. Waking up early is one of my waterloo. And so we braved the morning chill and headed at UP LB. And hey, the adventure begins! :)     

At 6 in the morning! :) 

According to Czeila this is the fertility tree! :)

old houses! I adore them so much!

Pila Church! 

Thank you so much, Czei and Pobre Family for adopting me. And introducing me to the wonders of Pila.
Babalik ako para sa Makiling trek, promise! 

26 Wishes!

This paper hoarder made this paper!

26 Wishes!

My birthday is near approaching! Another year will be added at my age, four years more and I'll be 30. Onti na lang wala na ako sa kalendaryo. My friend and I shared same sentiments, "Anong nangyari sa anim na taon ng buhay natin? Bakit parang ang bilis?" Haha. But no, I'm not really complaining now, in fact I am very much excited for my birthday. As my sister complained, lagi ka namang excited. :) Thus, I made my wishlist! Talking about excitement, huh?

Misadventurer's 26 wishes

1. World peace.- I know. I know. Pang-Miss Universe ang wish ko. But hey, it's not too much to ask and pray for world peace. Imagine living a world full of love. ;)

2. Bible (NLT)- I do have Bible given by D. And I wanted to have another copy NLT version naman. For some personal reason though. ^_^

3. Books- Sorry, booklover here! hehe. And a hoarder, too.
The Fault In Our Stars by John Green
Persistence of Memory by Amelia Atwater Rhodes 

4. Letter/Paper/Notebook- to add the increasing numbers of things I hoard. lol

5. Colored Pen/pencil

6. Crafting tools- Any tools will do. haha Hindi naman ako choosy. 

7. Spend time with children in an orphanage- This has been my dream since I was in college.

8. Bicycle 

9. Portable Sewing Machine- What can I say I'm domesticated. lol.

10. Nail polish/Nail art stuff- pagbigyan na, ngayon lang ako nagdadalaga eh.

11. FROG STUFF! (anything na may design na frog)

12. Cute buttons- and by the time I reached 12, I thought that having 26 wishes is easy. Hindi pala.

13. Fabric.

14. Superman Comics- specifically Funeral For A Friend 1 and 4) sila na lang ang wala ko to complete the Series)

15. Snow globe.

16. Map- LOL. para hindi na ako naliligaw.

17. Spend the day laughing! :)

18. Washi Tapes

19. Coffeemaker- I'm a certified coffee addict! Kaya kong itumba ang limang tasa ng kape sa isang araw. 

20. Yay! We're on number 20 na! Nail Art Party! hoho

21. Arabica coffee or better yet take me to Sagada once again. 

22. Earrings- wanted to find that perfect pair for me.

23. Bookshelf 

24. SLR! 

25. A surprise!!! :)

26. And lastly, greetings and prayers! :)

And I'm off to work again. Haha! Matapos mag-wish trabaho ulit. LOL     

Last Saturday: A Birthday Affair!

Photo credits to MSV FB page 

I started my writing adventure with Bookware year 2007 and from then on they adopted the eccentric me. :) I met and made a lot of friends through them. Most, I met through Multiply, another social networking site, and I'll be forever thankful having them in my life. Though Multiply world will end but not the bond I made through it.

I'm always thankful that I've met the Multiply Diyosas! :)

I just want to express how grateful I am having the three of you in my life; Ate Elise, Ate Gette and Ate Doreen! I am blessed finding friends like you these days. The world is given a wonderful gift through your talents, beauty and genuine generosity! :) From the bottom of my heart I love you Ate Elise, Ate Gette, and Miss Doreen! :) God bless you always! :) 

Yay! Birthday! Birthday!!!    

The birthday girls. :)

Happy happy birthday Ate Gette! I <3 you!
Sayang wala akong pic together with Ate Elise and Ate Doreen. :(
We shared the hat! :) 

And I won this on their game! lol.
Bibo kid lang ang peg. :))

Cheers to more boys este manuscripts! :) Happy Birthday again! :)


As much as I want to keep all of my books, I need to let go some of them. Feel free to PM or text me if you're interested to the books posted below. Of course, you'll handle the shipping fee. Or I can do meet-up (basta sa mayroong MRT lang. hehe)

Letting Go lol


The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold
P100 (hardbound, in good condition)
SOLD (Thank you, Kath!)

Torment by Lauren Kate
P150 (hardbound, in super good condition)
SOLD (Thank you, Kath) :) 

Love Walked In by Marisa De Los Santos
P75 (paperback, in good condition)
SOLD (Thank you, Kath) :)

Dear John by Nicholas Sparks
P75 (paperback, in good condition)
SOLD (thank you, Lex!) :)

Oliver's Story by Erich Segal
trivia: This is a good book. Sa sobrang ganda dalawa ang  copy ko so I have to let go this one.
SOLD (thank you, Ate's officemate) :)

The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch
Another trivia: This is sooooo inspiring! :)
SOLD (thank you, Ate's officemate) :)

God bless!

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