Old school style of writing. Yes, I am back to pen and paper kid! :)
Trivia: I just finished a manuscript just by manually writing every scene. LOL
Warning: This is a continuous blabbering. Read at your own risk. ^_^ Also, this has nothing to do with Jack Bauer's 24. :) 

If you only have 24 hours to live, what will you do?

Ah, this question still lingers in my mind up to this moment. I tagged along with my fellow VG-mate to her other group and they were doing an in-depth discussion about an ongoing series titled "THE END" which is now on its third week. Anyhoo, we've been asked to answer this question: If you only have 24 hours to live in this world, what will you do?

I've been itching to answer a famous line, "I would like to pray for world peace." (Miss Universe na Miss Universe lang ang peg ko) LOL. But Rhona did that for me, she answered that she would be praying for world peace. Which lead to another question, "Ano? You'll be praying for 24 hours?" And then after a moment of chaos, we answered seriously na. My turn came. In an instant I answered that I will write my entire life in that one day. (O, ha! Hemmingway/Frost lang ang drama!)

I admit that I am not a very good writer, I suck at grammar, big time. What keeps me going is that I love to write. I write anything that pops into my mind almost anywhere. I write when I am sad, I write when I am happy, I write when I am depressed. I write. Just give me a pen and a paper and I'll survive the entire day. (Coffee is a plus.) Up to this time, whenever someone ask me what my job is, I am too shy to admit that I am a writer. Dahil minsan alam ko na ang kasunod ng tanong, "Saan ka nagsusulat? Malaki ba ang kita diyan?" Or sometimes worst reaction is, they will look at you as if saying, "Ah, another weirdo." LOL

I quit working because I believe that this is my calling. God let me out of my comfort zone to share my thoughts to other people. If I made other people happy through my works, I think it's just a bonus. I only wanted to share a part of me with them hoping that one way or another they will learn something from what I wrote. (or sometimes I want them to be entertained.) It's been a privilege that He gave me this gift, the power of pen. Thus, it's been said that pen is mightier than a sword.

If in 24 hours I'll be able to write my own story, my life, into one book I think it will be hilarious. LOL. And heck, who will buy this hoarder's book? LOL. But I always believe that life is a continuous learning and what teaches us best is our experience. Clearly, what I've experienced was just a tiny fraction of what other people have gone through. But I am hoping that if ever when that time comes and I'll be able to write my own experience, I just hope that it will be a blessing for someone. Sana kahit paano may matutunan sila sa lahat ng kabaliwan at kabalbalan ko. :))         

Also, I think that everyone of us have the ability to write. Minsan nga lang hindi natin mahagilap ang tamang salita para sa ating nararamdaman. And sometimes when they aked me about writer's tip and how should they start writing, my only monotonous answer is: Simply just write. Write from the bottom of your heart. All of us are writers and God is our precious editor and at the same time publisher. You just have to grab that pen He has given you and start writing. :)

"Each one, as a good manner of God's different gifts, must use for the good of others the special gift he has received from God."
1 Peter 4:10


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