Happy Halloween!


Okay, this is a pahabol post. In a few hours we're all going home. Batangas, here we come! :) This is my way of celebrating Halloween. Stitch that nails. woohooo! See, how twisted this hoarder's mind is.

Another nail art craze! :) 

And this is my feet! 

Another victim! hoho

Cute Potpurri burner. :) <3

See for only 29. 75. 

Happy Halloween! <3


  1. Happy birthday Dandan! Dito na kita binati, di ko alam kung tama yung number/s mo saken eh, hehe. All the best in your writing career, I'm soooo proud everytime nakakakita ako ng new book mo sa national bookstore. Miss you! Mwah!


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