Happy Birthday, Rio! A suuuupppperrrr late greeting!

This is suppppeerrrr late post! Just wanted to share what I've created for such a lovely person. It's no other than my friend Rio. :) She's my former office mate/buddy/confidante and most of all my shopping buddy! We spend most of our time talking with each other almost everyday when I was still in my former company. lol. I miss her a lot these days! Belated happy birthday, Rio!

You know naman what's my wish for you, right? More travel and years to come for us! <3

With her at CrossWinds, Tagaytay!
Tagline: You can always hold on to a friend! <3

For her! 

An unconventional card! Made from scrap folder and magazines.

From All About Scrapbooking. <3

When a smart, young woman sets out to do something...
she's going to do it.

Happy birthday again, Rio! Love you! :)

"Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor:
If either of them falls down, one can help the other up."
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 


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