Last Saturday: A Birthday Affair!

Photo credits to MSV FB page 

I started my writing adventure with Bookware year 2007 and from then on they adopted the eccentric me. :) I met and made a lot of friends through them. Most, I met through Multiply, another social networking site, and I'll be forever thankful having them in my life. Though Multiply world will end but not the bond I made through it.

I'm always thankful that I've met the Multiply Diyosas! :)

I just want to express how grateful I am having the three of you in my life; Ate Elise, Ate Gette and Ate Doreen! I am blessed finding friends like you these days. The world is given a wonderful gift through your talents, beauty and genuine generosity! :) From the bottom of my heart I love you Ate Elise, Ate Gette, and Miss Doreen! :) God bless you always! :) 

Yay! Birthday! Birthday!!!    

The birthday girls. :)

Happy happy birthday Ate Gette! I <3 you!
Sayang wala akong pic together with Ate Elise and Ate Doreen. :(
We shared the hat! :) 

And I won this on their game! lol.
Bibo kid lang ang peg. :))

Cheers to more boys este manuscripts! :) Happy Birthday again! :)


  1. aww... thanks Dan! soooo glad to have known you and made friends with you too!

    may chika session pa pala tayo, ah. kelan ba tayo maglalasingan? :)


  2. welcome po. :)

    yay! hmm, kelan nga ba ang chickahan? lalasingin ko na lang kayo sa chika. lol *hugs back*


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